Eastern Comfort*

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*This chapter contains Adult Sexual Situations


Juniper was upset when I picked her up and she was still a little scared. I couldn't imagine what he said to her, but I will make it a point to be sure he doesn't find out where she is. I held her in my arms on the couch while we were watching a movie to take her mind off the subject.

"How are you feeling?" I asked, touching her head and kissing her forehead.

"I'm good, but can you stay with me tonight?" She asked. She didn't want me to leave and honestly, I didn't want to leave her alone either.

"Of course, I'll stay here as long as you want me."

"Forever." She whispered. It made me smile. I loved that she could come to me when she needed and that I could let her know I will be there for her.

"As you wish." I said. I wrapped my arms tightly around and held her close.

"I almost forgot," She said, looking up and leaning back. "I got the job. They called me before..." She trailed off in her mind and didn't finish her sentence, I figured she had gotten the call before he decided to call.

"Congratulations Juniper. It's the job you wanted right, as a game developer right?" I said trying to sound excited and to take her mind off Caleb.

"Yeah, I'm excited. I forgot to give my notice today though. But I'll send it to them via email later on." She said.

"Well, that calls for a celebration. Why don't I order some food from delivery, run to the store really quick to pick up something to drink?" I asked.

"You're coming back right?" She asked. I touched her face, even though she smiled I could tell she was concerned just by the look in her eyes.

"Yes, I promise." I kissed her lips slowly and softly. She smiled after and touched my face.

"Thank you for being you." She replied. I smiled and kissed her again. I kissed her long and sweet, letting her know she didn't have to ask me to be here, I wanted to be here. She pulled me on top of her, kissing me deeply. I could feel myself grow as I laid on top of her.

"You are going to start something growing." I said in between kisses.

"Grow baby grow." She whispered. I blushed and looked away.

"Let me get something to drink first and so we won't be thirsty later on." I said slowly climbing off of her.

"Hurry back." She said letting me go. She wanted me and I wanted her more than ever.

"Place the food order so we won't have to wait long." I said, heading for the door. She gave me the thumbs up and I headed out to get drinks. I couldn't wait to hurry back.

After I returned, Juniper seemed to be in a better mood. She had music playing when I returned and she was singing in the shower.
"I'm back." I said at the bathroom door.

"Okay. I'll only be a few more minutes. I ordered the food so it should be arriving soon." She yelled from the shower.

"Okay." As I put the drinks in the refrigerator, the doorbell rang, it was our food delivery.

I placed the food on the table in the living room and waited for Juniper to get out of the shower.

She came out with her hair in a towel, tank top and a pair of jogging pants. She came into the living room and sat next to me on the floor.

"Oooo, the food looks good." Juniper said, "Do you want to watch a movie?" She asked.

"Sure. You pick." I replied. Juniper scanned a few movies and decided on The Night Before, she said it was one of her favorite Christmas movies. With it being December, she said it was appropriate timing to watch the movie since Christmas would be arriving soon.

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