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Chanel and I had a fantastic night; the night I went over to the hotel. We stayed up talking shit and talking about everything. I spilled the tea about Min Jun and the shit I was going through with Caleb. She told me that Caleb had tried to get in touch with her to get an exact location of where I was, there was no telling what his ass was up to. She informed me that she didn't tell him a damn thing, I knew that was my girl. She also gave me advice on how to keep my feelings in check when it came to Min Jun. She understood what I was going through and why, but she did tell me I was overthinking the situation and I really needed to let loose and have fun which helped me a lot. The rest of the week flew by, which I was happy about because it gave me time to actually spend with my girl for the weekend. It was finally Friday and I was ready to kick it like we used to back in The Chi.

Chanel was talking about going to a dance studio that I had never heard of before. She said one of her connections back home told her that she could go and meet new people and it would give her the opportunity to find other places to go. Chanel and I had been in a dance troupe back in our school days and we loved to dance. We would perform for school events and we would always bring down the house. Of course it was more of us in the group back then but Chanel and I were the leaders of the group so we ran the shit.

She said she found a dance studio that had evening classes that taught hip hop and contemporary dance and she wanted to "warm up" before we hit the clubs. She knew damn well that when we hit the clubs, there wasn't going to be much dancing going on, it would be more drinking and swaying. She figured she would get her dance on and stretch out her muscles, or so she thought. I really knew what was up, Chanel was trying to find a fuck boy and she didn't care where she found them. It really didn't matter to me because I just wanted to get out of the house because to me, it had been a long fucking week.

Chanel and I packed workout attire and headed to a dance studio called JumpStation Dance Studio which was about a 25 minute train ride from her hotel on a good day. We hopped the train to Hongik University and took about an 8 min walk to the studio. The night was cool and crisp but we were from Chicago, so this weather was nothing to us. Besides, we had a few shots of Soju before going to loosen us up, but not too much because Soju does not play. I was excited to see what the class was all about and to see other people enjoying themselves as well. When we walked up to the studio there were a few more people there than we had anticipated. Chanel said she had called in advance and spoke with a person named Sara who said we filled the last two spots. Apparently, this class was well known and in its popularity, it had drawn some attention to the classes. Chanel has said that Sara mentioned that some fans were there too because some of the instructors were well known dancers.

We checked in and headed to the locker rooms. The place was packed with people, giggling teenage girls along with a few young women who were there with signage. I saw one holding a sign that read 'Min Jun'. It caught me by surprise because I knew he was a dancer but I just pushed it out of my head that it was the same person. I figured, just like in America, South Koreans shared similar names as well. I can't even tell you how many people I have met with Chanel's name. I blew it off and we headed to the huge open studio that had a gang of people in it. There were guys and girls of all ages, but a good majority of spectators. Sara came over to greet us as we walked in.

"Hi there, you must be Chanel?" She said pointing to me. I smiled, shook my head and pointed to Chanel.
"Hi, that's me." Chanel said, holding out her hand. Sara grabbed it and shook it with both hands.

"I'm so sorry. Nice to meet you. Americans, right?" She looked relieved to have a fellow comrade in the midst.

"Yup that's us. We're originally from Chicago." Chanel said. "This is my bestie, Juniper." She pointed in my direction.

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