The Lies Have It

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My lookout told me that things may have cooled off with Min Jun and Juniper. It seems that Juniper's job has become more demanding therefore they won't be spending as much time together as they have been before. I wish I had someone else to help me out on being my lookout as I'm starting to have doubts about the person I have working for me. They are starting to become more of an annoyance for me, I wish I would have never used her. I really don't care for her that much, but she is in a position that allows me to keep my eyes on Min Jun.

Right now, she's just starting to grow a conscience all of a sudden. I can't believe I'm related to this person, she's such a pushover who has no backbone. Back when we were little, she wanted to hang out with me because I was popular in school, but I didn't want people to even know we were related. She would come over to my house from time to time and she would follow me around with all of my other friends. We were the same age but she seemed like she was younger as she was afraid to think for herself.

My younger sister would hang out with her but all she wanted was to mimic me. She was just a strange little girl who grew up to be a strange adult woman. Now that she has started getting noticed by those of the opposite sex, she's starting to withdraw from doing a lot of things need her to do. Now she wants to grow some balls, which doesn't work for me. I just need to cut them off by reminding her that she is in way too deep; if those people find out she's been the one who has been supplying me information, they will be very upset with her.

"You don't get to choose what you want to do, I do. You will do this for me otherwise I will let it be known that you have been giving me the information on Min Jun and Juniper. How does that sound? What will your little friend think about you then? Will he want to be with you after you screwed over his friends? I said, I knew about the guy she was liking. I needed her to know I meant business.

"I understand, but don't you think it's getting too serious." She said in the smallest voice.

"I don't care about Juniper! So what, she can get hurt. I care about Lee Min Jun. If he gets hurt because Juniper does him wrong, then I will be there to help him pick up the pieces. He's fragile and he will become depressed, like he did before. I know how to handle him." I said confidently. She doesn't know Min Jun like I do, I can handle him. It wasn't until recently that he has started standing up to me, but I noticed that only happens when Juniper is with him. Now, since she's not around, I can get him wrapped again.

She remained quiet on the phone, "Are you still there?" I asked.

"Yes I'm still here." She finally responded.

"Fine. Call me when you have updated information." I said and disconnected. I needed to get in touch with Caleb. We need to discuss our next steps. I dialed his number and he answered quickly.

"Hello?" He sounded so sexy over the phone.
"Caleb? This is Samantha."

"Oh hey, how you doin'?" He responded.

"I'm doing good, how are you? Are finding things okay?" I asked.

"Yes, things are going well, thanks."

"I think we should meet up so we can discuss our next step." I stated.

"That's fine, just tell me where and when." He answered.

"Ok, we can meet up for lunch tomorrow to discuss."


I agreed to meet Samantha at a restaurant called N.Fourseason. I had a driver setup because I was not going to find my way around this place and I did not plan on staying that long at all. Again, I had to think about Juniper, she was worth all this shit to have my black ass come all the way the fuck over here to try to find her to bring that fat ass back to the States. She doesn't belong over here, she can do whatever she does for a living online. She can be international; she needs to be with me and I don't live here. The driver dropped me off at what seemed to be a nice little place to have great Korean BBQ. The decor was nice and modern; the lighting was good too. I was thinking, this shit is tight.

When I stepped in the place I saw this beautiful Korean woman, that was hot as fuck. She was curved in all the right places; I knew for a fact that I didn't discriminate but I have not had the pleasure of being with a Korean woman. My dick grew as she turned and looked at me. She stared at me for a minute, I'm like shit, I would love to hear her scream my name in Korean. She walked over to meet me.

"Caleb?" She said in perfect English. I looked at her and she was a nice piece of work.

"Yeah, that's me." I looked at her, up and down. Fine as fuck, I thought. "You must be Samantha." I responded.

"Yes, that's me. I must say Caleb, you are very easy on the eyes." She said, looking me up and down. She was a bad bitch, she looked me up and down slowly licking her lips with no hesitation or care in the world that I clearly watched her do it. I can't fuck with this one here, she meant business. Her mind is sick and twisted and she knew how to play the fucking game. I've seen this type of woman before. She was basically me, in female form. She wanted Min Jun and she was going to get him or she was going to go down trying.

"Thank you. I must say, you fine as fuck." I didn't give a fuck if it was inappropriate, I will give props where props are due, and she knew she looked good. She blushed because she knew I would hit that quick if given the chance, but I needed to get my head off of her; I needed to get Juniper back.

"Gamsahabnida." She said and bowed a bit. My dick moved again, yeah she would get it for sure. Talk that Korean shit; she got me thinking of ways to fuck her good already.

We sat down at a nice table against the wall and discussed our plan on how to break up Min Jun and Juniper. We didn't have the location of Juniper but she had someone who was close to Min Jun and it was only a matter of time for us to find out where she lived. She told me that there were a few things she needed to take care of first but she reassured me that she would have the address in a day or so. I was fine with that, I wasn't going anywhere until I found Juniper, in the meantime, I was going to hit up a few clubs and kick it. She told me that she was still planning everything and that she will tell me when to play my part. She was a scheming bitch, she had been planning this shit for a while. That's the type of bitch you don't want to fuck around with. There were only a select few men who could deal with that type of woman.

She ordered for us and I just went along with everything. I really wasn't listening to her wanting Min Jun back so much, I was more interested in my part of getting back with Juniper. She had a plan that would take place at a benefit event for Min Jun's company. I took that as a reason to look very nice for Juniper. I'm gonna hit the streets and spend some money while I'm here. She didn't tell me the entire plan, she said she will when it came time for me to know; I didn't question it because I didn't care about Min Jun, just as long as he was away from Juniper. I chowed down as she spoke about hotels and kissing Min Jun, which at that point, I totally zoned out. 

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Musical Suggestion: Liar by Camila Cabello 

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