The Night Before - Part 1(Edited)

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The rest of the day went extremely better than expected. The company we met absolutely loved the commercial so much they awarded us the job; They loved my idea of having Se-Ra in the commercial as well. She has the perfect face for acting; I've told her since I've met her that she has a face for television.

Mike and Elaine were so happy, they decided to take us out for dinner to celebrate. Se-Ra and I skipped lunch as we had a deadline to meet but I promised I would tell her everything at dinner. We closed up shop and headed to a local restaurant not far from the office. We all walked over, Se-Ra and myself were arm in arm.

"I'm so happy that you are here. I've always wanted an American friend." She said holding me close and putting her head on my shoulder.

"I'm happy too. And Se-Ra, you are stuck with me for life. You are my Bestie!" I blurted and we both giggled.

"If I didn't know better, the way you two are, it seems like you have known each other since you were both little." Mike said.

"It seems like that." I said looking at Se-Ra. "You know people come into your life for a reason. Some you 'clique' with and some you don't. I knew as soon as I saw Se-Ra, we would 'clique' like sisters." I said. She smiled and covered her smile shyly.

"I thought the same thing, Bestie!" She said and we hugged in the middle of the street. We giggled as we crossed the street.

Finally we made it to the restaurant. It was nice and cozy with tables to fit any size group. The music was nice and current and the vibe seemed good. The smell of the food made me want to get a big bowl of something before I started drinking.

Tteok-bokki was my go to food. I love the spicy rice cakes and it went well with fried chicken and beer. As soon as I had the opportunity to do so I placed my order. Everyone placed an order as soon they could so we all could share in the celebration. In the midst of us drinking and eating, Mike and Elaine stood up for a toast.

"We want to thank each and every one of you for sticking with us and helping our vision come to life. Thank you Peter, Kang Dae, Se-Ra, Sun Hee and our newest member, Juniper. We owe you all a bit of gratitude. We couldn't have done this without you." Mike said. We all clinked glasses and cheered.

I had a few shots of Soju and I was feeling really nice. So nice, I decided to stand up and make a toast as well.

"Can I make a toast?" Everyone stopped and gave me their attention.

"I want to thank each one of you for welcoming me into your office family. Thank you all for being so nice to me even though I'm a newbie and foreigner. You guys took me in and made me feel so comfortable as if I had just come back from a long vacation. I appreciate you all and I am truly grateful." They clapped and we all clinked glasses. We all started laughing and talking along with everyone else in the restaurant.

It seemed as if after a certain time, the place turned into a nice, little hot spot with music playing with a small dance floor. It wasn't much, just enough for about 6 people to dance around and enjoy themselves. I was sitting along the side of the table with my back leaning against the wall. I looked around as much as I could focus and my gaze stopped at someone across the way. I wasn't sure if my eyes were deceiving me or not but I swore it looked like Min Jun. Se-Ra and I had been throwing shots of Soju back so much, I knew I was going to regret it the next morning but I didn't care.

I hadn't had so much fun in a while and I deserved to let loose. Then my song came on, Pink Venom by BlackPink, and I lost it. My hips started swaying and I was in the zone. With enough Soju in my system I was the only one in the place.

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