What Had Happened Was.... Part 1

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The rest of the weekend was a total blur for me to be honest. After the studio, Chanel, Min Jun and I hit a few clubs. Jong-dae showed up and hung out with Chanel. I think they had a little crush on each other. They really enjoyed each other's company. Min Jun and I were basically inseparable the entire weekend. It was like a dream that I didn't want to wake up from. Of course, I had to go back to work on Monday and Chanel as well. I can honestly say that was one of the best weekends I've had since I've been in South Korea.

Walking through the office door, I felt as if I had a bit more pep in my step. I just felt happy, and I hadn't had that in a long time. I didn't call Se-ra the entire weekend and she seemed curious as to what I did over the weekend. I wasn't sure if I should tell her or should I keep it a secret. I didn't want to keep it from her, because it was news that was way too good to keep a secret. But I didn't want to jinx anything either, so I decided that I was going to keep it to myself. Se-ra and I had lunch delivered and we hung out in the office lunch room.

"So, Juniper, what did you do over the weekend?" She asked curiously.

"Nothing much, just hung out with friends." I responded.

"You didn't hang out with me." She said dryly. "I called you and you didn't answer, and you didn't even call me back."

"Well what happened was that my friend from the States came to Seoul for work. She's one of my best friends from back home. I'm sorry I didn't call you back. I was trying to catch up with her this weekend."

"Oh she came for work? Is she still here? " She asked. I wasn't sure if she was getting jealous or not of Chanel.

"Yes, she's still here. Her job is trying to open a flagship store here so she might be here permanently."
"Oh, is the friend you went to school with?"

"Yes, we grew up together. Her name is Chanel."

"So what did you guys do, did you hit some clubs over the weekend?"

"Yeah we did. We hit a few. We had a great time." I said thinking about the dance class. That was a great time.

"Well next time pick up the phone when I call, or call me back. I would have loved to come out with you and her. You should introduce us. We could have a girls' night." She said. If she only knew, it wasn't just girls.

"Oh," She remembered. "I wanted to tell you about a position that I heard about. I know that you are always drawing and you said that you wanted to get into game development. I know a game software company that is looking for a new developer with a good concept. I think you should apply." She said as she slurped her ramen.

"Really? I responded excitedly. My eyes bulged out of my head. Just to think I could actually get the opportunity to present my concept would be amazing.

"Yep, my brother asked me if I knew someone who would be interested and I thought of you. I think you should go for it. Who knows you would be able to get your game launched through them?" She said.

"Oh Se-ra, you don't know how much this means to me. Thank you. What is the name of the software company?"

"It's called Arc Interactive. It's a small company but they have been growing. They just had a big launch of the game, Still Life. Have you heard of it?"

"I've heard of it, I've been meaning to download it, it's a mobile game right?" I asked.

"Yup, it is." Se-ra got quiet and started getting a bit fidgety. I noticed as she was playing with her noodles. She usually does that when she wants to ask me something.

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