Two Peas in a Pod - Samantha & Caleb

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I think my luck was finally turning around, since I've found out that Min Jun is dating someone. My channel had been growing, with or without his help. He never responded about helping me with my channel, which I must admit, I was a little disappointed. I'm sure she had something to do with MinJun not contacting me. It's okay though, since his video has gone viral, it seems as though someone has been looking for Juniper, and he came across my channel. His name was Caleb and he messaged me to find out the location of the studio in which the video was taken. At first, I thought maybe he was just a basic American who wanted to come and visit tourist locations in Seoul, but that wasn't the case. He informed me that he was Juniper's ex boyfriend and he wanted to get her back.

He piqued my interest and I just had to get in contact with him. I felt that he may be my ticket to getting MinJun away from Juniper. Caleb said that he would go along with me to separate them, by any means necessary. When he first messaged me regarding this information, I was thinking this could be an actual madman who was just obsessed with Juniper. As much as I didn't like her, I didn't want to be an accessory to her murder, but he sent a few pictures of them together from days at university. They had been together for quite some time until he did the unthinkable, he got caught cheating. I wasn't the one to judge him, I really didn't care, I just wanted to help him get back with Juniper so I could get back with MinJun.

It was easy for me to get him to come to Seoul and find Juniper. I didn't want him to know where Min Jun lived and I hadn't figured out where Juniper lived yet. I wasn't worried, just knowing that she lived in the city was enough to get him to buy a ticket to come to work out a plan on getting them separated. I wanted MinJun back with me and I was willing to pull out all the stops to make it happen.

I had my lookout close to MinJun, so close that he didn't even know they were giving me feedback almost each and every day, this person was right up under his nose. I loved that I could use them in a way that they would do exactly as I asked. I just had a feeling it would be well worth it in the end. The videos were doing so well, MinJun was getting the exposure I wanted him to have and what he deserved. Yet, I was tired of the people responding in the comments about Juniper's and Min Jun's relationship; I was supposed to be with him, he was supposed to be my Forever. I know it didn't work out between us in the past, but I believe that when you let go of something or someone you love, they will come back to you. I just needed MinJun to see that we were fated to be together, and that his judgment is being clouded right now with Juniper all up in his face. I just need to have her eliminated and he'll finally open his eyes and understand that he only needs me.


I can't believe I have got my black ass in Seoul, South Korea trying to find Juniper. I didn't expect to get caught fucking Nevaeh; even still that was piece of ass was good though, but Juniper has my heart. She always had it and she will always have it. I can't believe that she thinks things between us have come to an end because we have hit a bump or a snag in our plans. Nevaeh meant nothing to me, she was only a piece of ass that I would occasionally have when Juniper wasn't available, like when she was on her period or sleep. A man has needs and she needs to understand that I love her and that that hoe meant nothing to me.

However, I lost it when I saw Juniper and that Korean guy, MinJun, dancing in the video. I found the video when I was watching the Youtube shorts. The fucking video went viral! This motherfucker had his hands on her ass; that's my ass and I came here to reclaim it. I really lost it when I saw this motherfucker kiss her. She was grinding all against his dick when they were dancing and he was touching all on her body. I can't have this motherfucker's hands all over my shit, I need to make sure I bring shit to a halt. I reached out to the channel and asked a bunch of questions trying to figure out where the studio was and I got a few comments back that it was in Seoul.

I had never left Chicago, let alone leave the country but this was something that I had to do in order to get Juniper back. She just doesn't know she needs me, she's just upset that I was fucking around. So, I let her have her time to herself and it looks like I gave her too much time to be mad at me. Samantha reached out to me as I commented on a few videos telling everyone that I was trying to find out where my ex girlfriend was and that I wanted her back. She told me not only did she know where the studio was, she also told me of who the guy was; it was her ex-boyfriend and she wanted to get back with him. I knew I was on the right track because she wanted her other half back at any cost. We planned the trip for me to come over and surprise Juniper, which is how I am here today.

I called Juniper as I had received a cell phone from Samantha; she thought it would be a good idea to use a phone with a local number, so Juniper wouldn't know it was me until I arrived. When I called Juniper, she was a bit upset, but I know she'll get over it. She just needs some time to come to her senses that I am here to bring her back home to be with me, by any means necessary. She was so surprised when I called, I could hear that she didn't know how to respond when she heard my voice, she got mad with me which is okay; I know I can win her back. Samantha has hatched a plan to split them up and I have a few tricks up my sleeve as well, just in case I need to improvise on the situation. 

Did you see this happening? Do you think Caleb can trust Samantha or vice versa? Let me know what you think!

Musical Suggestion: Want You Back by Cher Lloyd/ Missing You Crazy by Russ

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