We Need To Talk

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Musical Suggestion: Trust Me by Sunkis


I walked over to Juniper and Caleb with Samantha in tow. This didn't look good at all. Why did the exes have to be here? I looked at Caleb and she straightened himself up and stood directly in front of me.

"Can I help you?" He asked as if he was protecting Juniper.

"No, you can not." I said to Caleb. I looked at Juniper and she was looking at Samantha, who was still holding onto my arm. "Are you okay?" I asked her.

"Yes, but I'm ready to go." She glanced back and forth from me to Samantha. I removed Samantha's hand from my arm and she looked disgusted.

"Are you serious Min Jun?" She asked.

"Yes, he is. Is there a problem?" Juniper asked, stepping towards her. I held her back and turned to Samantha.

"Samantha. You know this is not going to work. I don't know what games you are playing, but you need to stop."

"Why do you want to be with her, we have history. You know we do. You can't deny me!" She said. I felt Juniper jump towards her and I cracked a smile. She was ready to rumble for real.

"I care for her and she cares for me. That's all that matters." I responded.

"So that's how it's gonna be Juniper?" Caleb stated from behind me. I turned to him and looked at him square in the eyes.

"Yes, that's how it's going to be." I said, smiling slyly, knowing he was defeated. I grabbed Juniper's hand and held it up for both of them to see and we walked away from the toxic couple.

Even though I was holding Juniper's hand while walking back towards our table, I still had a funny feeling in my stomach. Why was Juniper talking to him? Why was he holding her hand and why was she allowing him to touch her? I'm sure she was wondering about the same with Samantha following me around like a lost puppy. We needed to have a serious talk to gain some reassurance between us because I don't think that is the last time we will hear from Samantha and Caleb. They are finding out where we located and just popping up on us. I don't need to have any doubts festering quietly in our relationship, unfortunately tonight's actions didn't help; They just created them.


When we got back to the table, Min Jun and I hadn't spoken about the subject and I didn't want to bring it up in front of Jin and Mindi. Jin spoke quietly with Min Jun for a sec while I downed a few shots of soju. I wanted to forget what just happened, but then again when I think about it, I didn't want to forget. My mind started allowed doubt to creep in and questions started forming; Why was he with her? How long had he been with her before he came over to me? Why was she touching him and why did he look flushed? I had scenarios played out in my head before we've spoken a word about it. I'm sure Min Jun has had questions as well; Caleb sure knows he has a way of fucking shit up. Why can't he just leave me the fuck alone?!

Min Jun suggested another place, for which I was down. I didn't want to stay there anymore because I would get locked up. I wish Chanel was here, wait a minute, no I wouldn't; then the both of us would be locked up. I just wished she was here so I could unload some shit on her and she wouldn't judge me about it; she knows I'm just trying to make sense of this shit so I can figure out what to do. I don't really think Min Jun would judge me, I just don't want him to look at me as a person who is totally mental. My anxiety made me feel like I'm drowning. I'll get so wrapped up in the waves, sometimes I forget to breathe and it comes to a point where I explode. I needed to get shit under control; but in order to do so, I needed a release. I need a good cry, a good scream, a good walkabout, and a good fuck. I need to release, emotionally, physically, intellectually and spiritually but technically not in that order.

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