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Musical Suggestion: - Too Good by Christian Kuria


The weekend was over faster than Min Jun and I wanted, as we enjoyed our weekends together. After all of the events we attended in the past two weeks, we both deserved an extended rest. It turns out that Mindi confessed to Jin first before confessing to Min Jun. She wanted to let Jin know first because she wanted to be honest with him. She showed him everything apparently. She had copies of everything; pictures and videos, she also had secret recordings of all of the meetings between Samantha and Caleb . She even had a camera in the hotel room which recorded Caleb and Samantha fucking as well as the set up of Caleb taking pictures of me while passed out. Jin took her to Min Jun to confess. Min Jun said he was upset but he understood why she did it. He was glad that she brought the information to Jin instead of giving it all to Samantha, otherwise Samantha would have gotten away with it.

Mindi felt bad about what Samantha was doing but she felt she was in way too deep and she thought that we would be upset. I was upset a bit because she should have come clean sooner, but I do understand why she had to stay underground so she could get all of the info she needed to make Samantha really disappear. Also, the incident at the studio was fully shown live on Samantha's channel - KpopPrincess. All of her followers saw her get caught up in her actions, all for fame, that she never tried to get herself. She was always trying to ride someone else's spotlight instead of trying to find her own. Mindi really liked Jin and she didn't want to hurt his friends as she saw the turmoil that we were going through. I think the work day after the charity event really did it for her; Jin had told her Min Jun was not his regular self and he broke down in the restroom. She didn't want to be a part of it anymore, seeing her friends getting hurt, so she came clean. Mindi said she would suffer the sacrifice of losing her newfound friends and the man she cared for, to make sure Samantha got exactly what she deserved.

The website is now run by Mindi and it is based on the studio and the instructors. Some of the instructors have been past trainees who have joined the staff and the studio is now becoming more popular than ever. She and Jin are dating now, and things are going strong. Chanel got the job to stay in Seoul and she was able to get an apartment in my building! I'm happy she's able to be closer to me. She's been going out from time to time, but I also know that Jong-dae has a standing appointment on Fridays, however she thinks we don't know.

Min Jun got the choreographer job and he was so happy. Min Jun put in his two weeks shortly after getting the green light, he said he wasn't looking back as this was his second chance. I was happy and proud that he landed it and we got a chance to work together. We worked on the project together for about a month and it was ready for idols when they debuted. The response was so good, I landed the job as Team Leader for my project, Reality. Things were finally coming together for us and there was no looking back. He was something special and I'm glad he was in my life. My sunset was his sunrise; now we share the same day at the same time - together.

How do you like the ending? Would you do anything different? Were you expecting something different? Leave your comments, let me know!

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