Laying It All Out

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Min Jun

I didn't expect to see Juniper at the dance studio, and yet here she was. I had given her a few days away from me while I tried to get my head together. I didn't want to lead her on, therefore I didn't want to be confused when it came down between Juniper and Samantha. I had been missing in action from Juniper to figure out what my heart already knew, I just needed to get my mind on board. Even though Samantha and I had history and things hadn't gone the way it did in the past, I didn't want to mess up something that I felt would be great with Juniper. I never responded back to Samantha about helping her channel, so I figured she would get the hint if I didn't contact her back. I had to regroup in my head the pros and cons of it all to be honest with myself.

Seeing Juniper dance at the studio solidified my feelings for her. I wanted to be with her and I was willing to lay it out on the line and let her know. I wanted to confess my feelings to her immediately after I had seen her in the studio, but I wasn't sure how it would be received. I didn't want to be rejected, but I didn't want to continue feeling like this without her knowing. I just felt she was perfect for me. Even though we hadn't been around each other, I was willing to find out more about her, I just couldn't get her out of my mind. I couldn't say that I didn't think about her when I did almost every waking moment. From the moment I saw her in the coffee shop, seeing her cry, I wanted to protect her. I didn't want to see her cry and I wanted to be the one to care for her. I wanted to be the one to show how she deserved to be loved and to show her how love really feels. I never had this feeling for someone so soon, this was all new to me but I couldn't help it. I knew it sounded crazy but I couldn't let this opportunity pass because I would always wonder what would happen if I didn't step up and let her know how I felt. I would go crazy if I didn't and I knew she would be worth it.

Just thinking about the time when we were apart, I was trying to figure out what my heart needed. I didn't want to go through the same thing again with Samantha. I kept remembering the moment she let me go and I had to deal with my emotions alone. I remember the moment she left me when I really needed someone. Something in my gut made me feel that Juniper wouldn't be that type of person. Just remembering how she was dealing with her feelings she was having about her ex-boyfriend. She was in love with this guy; she had given this guy everything and he hurt her and didn't take her feelings into consideration. I knew how that felt, she and I shared the same pain. I felt it in my gut that she would love me just as much as I would love her, unconditionally.

During the last freeform, I was off to the side of the studio talking to Sara and Alex when I noticed her. I had already spilled the beans on Juniper to Sara and Alex because I needed some clarity and some sound advice. I had informed them about the night we had at the park and the night we had at the bar. I told them I was so excited to see her, but then I told them about how Samantha just popped up out of the blue. Both Sara and Alex told me that I needed to be careful about Samantha; honestly they were trying to understand why I was giving her any of my time after how she had treated me in the past. I told them how I had more history with Samantha than feelings, since it had been so long. Even though I figured she just wants my friendship, both warned me to be cautious. With that in mind, I had made my decision to step back from Samantha to let go of that part of my past in order for me to move forward to a brighter future.

When Sara asked me if I wanted her to pair with Juniper, I said most definitely and jumped at the opportunity. I watched Juniper move with the music and she flowed well in her own zone. Sara said she noticed her earlier when she met them as they arrived. I was a bit late arriving so I didn't notice her when I came in. It was the freeform dance that allowed me to pay attention to her from a distance. She looked like she was having fun with her friend. They owned the floor but welcomed the others. It made me remember the time I saw her dance at the restaurant when she was out with those from her office. She commits herself to the music and most likely commits herself to everything she does.

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