Morning Again-Part 2

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After I dropped Juniper off at the train station, I headed back to my place to take a shower and get fresh clothes for work. While I was in the shower, I kept getting visions of my night with Juniper. It was special and it kept replaying in my mind like a movie. It was so surreal. So many things have happened, I was having an issue keeping up. Not only is Juniper my girlfriend, we made love last night. It was absolutely amazing. I loved waking up with her this morning, I didn't want to leave her at all. 

Today was the first day, I really wanted to call out of work. I had to shake off that feeling and get my shit together, I'll see her later hopefully. We didn't make plans to meet up later tonight, which was okay. I didn't want her to get tired of me and we would have plenty of time to spend with each other. With this being a work week, it may be hard since we have jobs that may change at a drop of a hat. Besides, I didn't want to rush anything more than we have already rushed. I figured catching up with her over the weekend would be better and it would give us time to miss each other as well, even though I already miss her.

As I walked in the office building to the elevator lobby, I smiled as I was thinking about her calling me Aegiya. That made me feel special in so many ways. She could use it in English or Korean, it would mean the same, I'm her 'baby'. I decided to call her 'Naekkeo', my 'sweetheart' as she is 'mine' or Jagiya, that's fine too as she is my 'babe'. I was going through the motions and didn't notice I had actually reached my office until Jin greeted me at the door.

"You seem out of it, how was your night?" He said walking back with me to my desk.

"I'm good, just thinking about a few things. So how was your night?" I asked to get the conversation off of me.

"It was pleasant. I had Chanel's driver drop me off but Taehyung told me that he, Chanel and Se-ra decided to hang out a bit more. He didn't get home until 2 am. Now he's dragging through the office. " Jin said as I sat down at my desk. I put my head down on the desk as I was feeling the effects big time. "What's with you? Did you and Juniper go out too?" He was totally clueless but he would never do a lot of the things I would.

Jin is a nice guy but he's a bit timid and shy therefore he wouldn't do a lot of things I would because of this. So he wouldn't have gotten to a girl as close as I have in such a short amount of time. However, I do enjoy seeing his reactions, it's as if he is living life vicariously through me.

"No, we didn't. We stayed in. I spent the night at Juniper's last night." His eyes grew and I laughed at his reaction.

"Are you serious? You stayed at her place? What did you guys do?" He asked, I didn't answer, I just looked at him with a look for him to figure out. He looked confused at first and then his face changed to total shock. "Are you serious?" He said excitedly. I still didn't answer. I just gave a smirk and turned my computer on. "Oh come on, did you?" He asked again.

"Did I do what?" I asked, pretending as if I didn't know what he was asking.

"You know? Did you?" He tried not to ask in so many details.

"Are you asking if we were intimate?" I asked, as I was looking over documents.

"Yes, did you?" He asked, hanging on my every word.

"Isn't that private?" I asked messing with him. He backed down realizing that he was asking for personal information.

"I'm sorry. You're right, I shouldn't be asking such personal questions. But I didn't ask for details, I just wanted to know if you, you know?" He asked again. I was going to let him know, not in detail but I was going to inform him, I just like to see him squeal a bit. He was looking so uncomfortable asking but the curiosity was getting the better of him. He kept trying to keep his voice low and kept looking over the cubicle to see if anyone was listening or even in earshot of our conversation.

"Yes, I know. If you must know," I said, turning towards him and leaning in. "Yes, we were intimate. Very intimate." I said slyly, with raised eyebrows to put the emphasis on how interesting my night was with Juniper.

I left with him only those words and his eyes lit up huge with astonishment. He covered his mouth as if he was shy to hear the words. I leaned back and began my work. Jin was so shocked, he didn't know how to respond. I'm sure he had plenty of questions, but he didn't want to ask. I could tell he was creating scenarios within his mind however he wouldn't ever speak a word. Just that bit of information kept Jin busy for the rest of the day. The last time Jin didn't say anything to me for the rest of the day, was the day he was sick and he left early. The information that I gave him, really did a number on him. I could only imagine what he was thinking. Every now and then, I would see him staring at me with his face looking as if he wanted to ask so many questions but he dared to speak a word. He would just turn his head and go back quietly to his work. I'm sure I'll hear about it later, when the shock has subsided.  

How's the story going so far?  Things are about to happen, just buckle up!

Musical Suggestion: All I Wanna Do by Jay Park feat. Hoody & Loco

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