To The Rescue (Filler Chapter)

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This Chapter is here as it pushes the story along but may or may not have been needed.

Musical Suggestion: One Call Away by Charlie Puth


"Jagiya, He Found Me!" She cried through the phone. My blood went cold; that was all I heard and needed to hear to be honest. Juniper was crying and she sounded so scared. I couldn't understand most of what she was saying as her muffled crying covered the phone. She wasn't speaking much, but just the sound of her crying on the other end made me race over to her.

I hadn't seen her and it was the middle of the week. We would usually video chat while we ate dinner so it would seem as though we were having a dinner date, but I had to go to her immediately. She was distraught, I can't even imagine what could have happened. Did she say he found her? Did she not get the position? Did someone in her family pass away? I hadn't a clue, but she needed me and I needed to be there for her.

I arrived at her apartment and typed in the code; I entered immediately in a rush to find her. I found her on the couch, still crying.

"Juniper!" I yelled her name coming around the corner. She looked over quickly and ran to me. I embraced her and she cried harder. "Shhhh, I'm here. I'm here. Tell me what happened." I said sitting down with her on the couch.

"He found me Min Jun. Caleb. He found me. He was here!" She said, closing her eyes so tight, tears streamed quickly down her cheeks. This motherfucker has found her, but how? How did he find her? This man is irritating me very much. Now he has my girlfriend crying uncontrollably and I needed to reassure her that everything would be okay.

"Don't worry about him, Aegiya, I'm here now." I held her and we rocked slowly until her cries died down. "When did he come here?" I asked, speaking softly.

"He came about an hour ago. I called you as soon as I could, he blocked my door and wouldn't let me close it. He said he'll be back." She said. I didn't hear my phone as I was in the studio; my phone was off to the side. I checked it after the class.

"I'm so sorry Juniper. I should have been here." I felt really upset because this guy just won't leave her alone. He knows where she lives so now is the time for me to take control of this situation, he doesn't know where I live.

"How about you come to my place and stay while we sort this out?" I said, thinking it was for the best. Not only would she be with me, but she would be safe from this guy. I don't feel comfortable with her staying here alone; either she comes with me or I stay here.

"I want to go to your place." She said in between sniffles. I wiped her tears away and kissed her lips softly. "I didn't expect him to show up, ever." She said. "I opened the door thinking it was a package being delivered or Jina, my next door neighbor, but to see him standing there, with flowers acting as if this shit happened yesterday, is crazy. I swung open the door but he caught it with his foot and I couldn't close it."

"It's okay, Juni. Why don't we grab a few things that you need to be comfortable over at my place for a while and we can go?" I asked. She shook her head in agreement and went to collect her things. I don't know if I can take too much more of this guy, who does he think he is? From my understanding they had broken up a while ago before Juniper relocated and he has been trying to get back with her ever since.

Well, if I have anything to do with it, he will not have the opportunity of being with Juniper anymore, now that she is with me. Juniper is my soulmate and I will do everything I can do to make sure she is happy. She's happy with me and that is enough for me. Juniper grabbed her a few outfits for the remainder of the week along with a few lounging outfits, her laptop, drawing tablet and other essentials to make her stay as comfy as possible. She looked a bit happy to be leaving. I figured it would be best for her to leave away from here for a few since we don't know exactly where he is and this won't give him the opportunity to just pop up again on her unannounced. Just before we got to my apartment, I stopped by a nice restaurant to pick up a few sweet desserts and some spicy chicken, Juniper's favorite, to help her feel better. She was happy she was coming to stay with me. I am more than happy having her with me as this eliminates me having to pick her up to take her to work, therefore it's a plus.


Min Jun took me back to his place. Seeing Caleb at my door shook me to the core. I didn't believe he was standing in front of me; he was smiling as if he had found his most prized possession. He looked good as fuck but I was no longer interested. Caleb was the type of guy that always dressed well when ever going out., However, he was still ugly inside which I saw the true Caleb looking back at me grinning.

"Min Jun, I want to thank you for being there when I needed you. I'm sorry I'm a mess, I just seem to have so much shit going on every time I turn around. You met me dealing with a lot of shit, shit that is still here!" I said getting frustrated as we walked to the door of his apartment.

"Jagiya," He said as we walked inside his apartment. "It's okay. I will be with you always. I don't want you to feel like you are a burden, because you are not. You are very special to me and I will make sure that you won't have to look over your shoulder." Min Jun said.

I wrapped my arms around him, meditating in his embrace. I could hear his heartbeat as he held me close. He touched my hair and caressed my face. I looked at him and we smiled. He leaned down, tipped my chin and planted a small, sweet kiss upon my lips. I wanted to tell him I loved him so much, but I just couldn't. We needed to make it through all of this mess; I needed to see if he would actually be there, along with me through all of this.

Since I had to relocate for a few days, I took it upon myself to spend as much time with him as I could. I missed him so much and even though this situation with Caleb sucks, it allowed me to have more time with Min Jun than I thought I would have this week. Min Jun placed my things in his room, I actually got a space of my own in his dresser. I was excited as we were sharing his space, even if it was temporary. By the time I came out of the shower, Min Jun had already laid down on the bed but he had fallen asleep. He was trying to wait for me to finish in the shower, however I had an extra long shower. I was thinking about how, months later, Caleb still has some type of control over my life. I'm so tired of this asshole, I'm just ready for him to leave me the fuck alone.

I could have watched Min Jun sleeping all night, he was just so fucking cute. I moved his bangs away from his eyes, glancing over his face admiring God's magnificent creation. His lips were blushed red as his eyelashes were short and cute against his almond shaped eyes. I loved his features, his smooth and flawless skin along with his dark eyebrows and hair. He opened his eyes to see me admiring him. He smiled, which made me blush.

"You like what you see?" He asked.

"Very much." I answered. He pulled me towards him and I fell on top of him. He held me close, kissing my neck, shoulders and my collarbone.

"I..." I started. He looked at me and placed his finger over my lips. He looked at me and smiled. He caressed my face lovingly; he smiled and planted a small kiss on my lips.

"I do too." He said. He knew what I was about to say, but he was right, now wasn't the time, not while we are in the middle of the storm. We already know, but now is not the time, not just yet. It's okay, I'll wait, as long as he knows. I took that night as a loss for me getting any extra work done, but a win for me as I got to fall asleep in Min Jun's arms. To be honest when I think about it, it was a win-win for me.

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