For the LOVE of the Game

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After I gave my 2 week notice at my job, it seemed as things went fast forward. Before I knew it, I was working at Arc Interactive. I missed seeing Se-ra on the daily but we made sure to keep in contact and we would meet up occasionally for lunch or dinner from time to time. I really loved my job, I learned so much when I was able to join the teams that were working on certain projects. I loved how the company worked as they made sure I had a good understanding of what was expected of me and they made sure I had the resources and the opportunity to gain the skills in order to grow within the company.

I hadn't heard from Caleb since the day he landed in Seoul. I guess he was trying to find out where I was or he had someone distracting him. I felt uneasy at times being outside and not knowing where he was, but Min Jun made it clear that he wasn't going to allow Caleb to come and disturb us. He hadn't heard from Samantha so we figured she got the hint that she was no longer needed. I can honestly say that even though Min Jun was confident that they wouldn't come between, I was had a funny feeling in the pit of my stomach that they would pop up when we least expected it. Min Jun tried to reassure me by dropping me off and picking me up from work daily. Actually I was happy he did because the job, even though it was my dream job, was very demanding. Sometimes the only chance we would be able to see each other, was when I rode with Min Jun. We lived for the weekends because Min Jun would still help out Alex's studio at least 3-4 times a week, which left him busy as well.

One of the project leaders came to me about an upcoming project that he had heard was in the works. He said he loved my work and he thought I had a lot of potential. He said they would be making a team for a special project but the applicants must submit a small task that shows a level of their skills. And if I wanted a spot on the team, I needed to present a concept piece which would solidify my position on the team. He also let me know that if the project turns out as good as he thinks, he will let me lead my own project! I decided to create the concept piece of my game, Reality. Reality had the concept of a mixture of the Sims meet Grand Theft Auto. It was a free roam game, however the player would have the opportunity to be interactive with other players and NPCs.

This was the break I have been waiting for all of my life. If I could land this project, it would open the opportunity for me to be a Team Project Leader for my own project. If I get to be a TPL, I will be able to create and produce my game for everyone to play. The only downfall of getting this opportunity was, I wouldn't be able to see Min Jun as much as either of us would like as the project would consume my free time entirely. We already don't spend that much time with each other as it is, and this would make it less.

Actually I would be at least non-existent for at least a few weeks. I didn't want that, I didn't want him thinking I didn't want to see him, but my work would allow me to have more time to be with him in the future. I was thinking about us as well as myself. I wanted to tell him, but I really didn't want to because I knew what is going to say. Min Jun isn't the type of guy that would allow me to pass up this opportunity; he knows I would do the same for him. I motivated him to dance again and he landed the perfect opportunity to do so; I'm happy for him even though we don't get to spend much time together. Which is why we value the time we do spend together. I know Min Jun would be nothing short of supportive of me with this new project, the thing is I would miss him so much; and with Caleb in town somewhere, I really wanted to have Min Jun around all the time.

"Jagiya, it's okay. I know this is something you really want. What kind of person would I be if I wanted you to spend all your time with me? I'm not that type of person, you already know this and I would hate myself if I held you back from your dream. I'm proud of you and I want you to do what you have to do in order to land that project. Remember, I'm not going anywhere, I promise. Yeobo, I'm yours." He said, I loved when Min Jun would call me 'pet' names in Korean.

I loved hearing his voice, even though I couldn't be with him. His voice has a way of calming me down. He was so patient with me, I know I had a lot of baggage going on and it seemed to be growing. I just wanted to catch a break, but it seems like a test for our relationship is on the way since Caleb has landed his ass in Seoul.

"Aegiya, I know, I'm yours too. I'm not going anywhere either, it's just it seems like there are so many factors, good and bad, that are involved in us." I said sitting on the couch wishing he was right next to me.

"I know, but that just makes us stronger. We got this Juni, we belong together, you already know how strong our bond is, so don't doubt what we have for each other." He said, I felt exactly what he was talking about, our unspoken bond. We didn't refuse to say it to each other or express it, our past has just left us a bit cautious due to having expressed it out loud to which others have taken full advantage of our emotional state. Min Jun and I both have deep feelings for each other that can not only be felt between us, but it can be seen by others, and that's real love.

"You still do, don't you?" He asked.

"Yes, I do." I reassured him.

"I do too." He responded. Eventually, we will say it to each other, and that day will be amazing to hear those three little words come across our lips.

"Naekkeo, go and do what you have to do for your project; call me when you find out if you have a moment to share with me and I'll be over immediately." He said, I didn't want to get off the phone. I loved talking to him, I could talk to him for hours. But he was right, I needed to start on the project so I could land that position.

"Okay Aeigya, talk to you later." I said and reluctantly disconnected. 

Do you think the distance between MinJun and Juniper is a risk their relationship will have to face? Tell me what you think! 

Musical Suggestion: Silence - Marco McKinnis

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