Opportunity of a Lifetime (Filler Chapter)

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Musical Suggestion: Got Your Back by T.I & Keri Hilson


My company was having a charity event for New Year's Eve and this was my opportunity for me to be exclusive with Juniper. I wanted to introduce her as my girlfriend. This was an important event for my company and I think Juniper would fit right in. Besides, I didn't want to come to this suit and tie thing alone. Mindi and Jin would be there along with Taehyung and Se-ra, whom I'm sure Juniper would be happy to see.

Spending Christmas with Juniper was amazing. She loved the couples' rings, I would catch her looking at the ring and the bracelet. She had given me a necklace with her name on the nameplate. Chanel stayed over and was making breakfast as Juniper and I were laying in the bed. I wanted to spend as much time as I could holding her; especially since she had been so busy with work.

"Hey Aeigya" She called me, I love when she calls me by the pet name she's chosen. "I have a once in a lifetime opportunity for you." She said lacing her fingers with mine. She was laying on my chest in the bed next to me as the morning was welcoming us.

"What's the opportunity?" I said kissing her on the top of her head.

"My company is doing this project for one of the idol groups, FnTsY and they need a choreographer. I thought this would be a great opportunity for you to get yourself out there."
"Really? I've heard of them. I like their songs. But don't they have a choreographer already?"

"No, they usually collaborate with others so I figured this was a way to get your foot in the door."

"Awesome, sure."

"I figured you would agree, so I set up an appointment to meet with them at the studio next Saturday." She said. My eyes grew big as I couldn't believe that Juniper had set up an audition with the group. If this goes well, I could finally leave my job and work full time as a choreographer or dance instructor. I couldn't believe she had done this for me.

"Are you serious?" I said sitting up in bed.

"Yes!" She screamed. I grabbed her and held her so tight; she made this happen for me. I value her so much. I kissed her all over her face, I made sure to end on her lips. No one had done anything remotely close like that for me before.

"Oh my goodness. So next Saturday, wow. I have to prepare."

"You can do it, I know you can. You've been waiting for this." She said snuggling against me again.

"Thank you Jagiya, I appreciate your confidence in me. It gives me strength when I think I don't have enough."

"I'm here for you Aegiya." She said looking at her bracelet and ring. "Always." I was happy hearing those words from her mouth.

"Well then you will have to do something for me?" I asked.


"I want you to go with me to my work's charity event on New Year's Eve." I said, her eyes lit up like stars.


"Yes, I want to introduce you as my girlfriend." I said caressing her face.
"Oh Min Jun!" She said and she planted a nice kiss on my cheek. I wanted the world to know that she was my girlfriend and I was her boyfriend. I wanted everyone to know that I am taken.

"Great, I will pick you up around 7 pm."

"Awesome. That is going to be fun."

"So for your work project, the group is amazing." I said.

"Yeah, I know, I've been working with them. They are really nice and very well known."

"So how did you get me an audition?" I asked, sitting up and leaning back against the wall.

"Oh that, well, one of them recognized me from our video." She said giggling.

"Seriously? Wow."

"Yeah, that's what I said, but here's the kicker, they follow you online. Apparently KpopPrincess has a lot of videos of you posted on their channel and a few guys have been following you. They even found videos of you when you were a trainee."

"Wow, that's impressive. I didn't think people would even remember me." I said smiling and thinking about the variety shows I had to participate in.

"Well, they do remember and they like you. However, of course the producer wants you to create a dance for the group and present it at the audition. Do you think you and Alex can come up with something by next Saturday?"

"I'm sure of it. Thank you for believing in me Juniper. I truly appreciate that." I said as she pulled on a pair of jogging pants and an oversized t-shirt.

"You are most welcome Min Jun. It was my pleasure to help you. I believe in you so much. I want you to reach your goal and if I can help, it's just a bonus." She said, smiling at me. I loved that woman. She was in my corner and she was happy to be there.

"I'm excited to have a fancy night out with you. It's been a while since we went out to have fun.." I said thinking back to the incident in the club. We hadn't mentioned it since our talk, where we confessed our shortcomings.

"Yep. Listen, I'm sorry, I kinda freaked out when you told me. I have to be honest to myself though, it didn't sit well with me." She said. It hurt but she was being honest with her feelings. I scooted to the side of the bed and put on my pants along with my pullover.
"I'm sorry. I didn't want to tell you because it makes me look really bad. And I'm not that person." I said pleading my case. I know she needed reassurance, I just needed to prove myself to do so.

"I know." She said coming over to me. I held her hands, then planted a small kiss on both. "I don't want to get hurt Min Jun." She said.

"Neither do I." I said standing in front of her making a promise. "We both have done some things we are not proud of, but this is our beginning. As long as we are honest with each other, we won't have any doubts. I want you with me always, I would never do anything to hurt you, I promise." I had said those words. I promise; being a person that is true to my word, to say those words means I will do whatever I need to do to make sure this person is always happy and to see that she doesn't get hurt. 

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