I Belong To You

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I couldn't believe what just happened. As our lips parted, I felt like fainting. This wasn't happening. This doesn't happen to people in real life, only in the movies. We stood there, still in each others' embrace, gazing at each other, in our own world. I didn't hear the applause that was surrounding us; I didn't notice people coming to the floor and the lights growing brighter in the studio. It wasn't until Sara and Chanel ran over to us that I realized, this was real life.

"Shit girl! Y'all did the damn thang!" Chanel said as she spun me towards her. It was then when I heard everyone cheering. I looked over to Min Jun and he was smiling and getting a 'bro hug' from Sara's guy. Sara had red eyes and tears running down her face. She was smiling hard and gave Min Jun a hug.

"What the fuck just happened?" I said to Chanel as she gave me a hug.

"Girl, y'all zoned the fuck out as if y'all were the only two people in this fucking place. Y'all dance so well with each other! I got fucking chills!" She said. She looked as if she was teared up, but she was smiling with joy. Sara made her way over to us and just gave me a hug. I had too many feelings going on to decipher. I was smiling and holding my chest. Min Jun kissed me and I kissed him back.

We were in a moment and it was just us. He made me feel as if I was the only other person in this place. He sang for me and danced for me. He showed his heart to me and I accepted it. I fully accepted him. I looked over at him as he was surrounded by fans asking for either a quick picture or an autograph. He looked at me and we connected again. My heart skipped a beat. In that entire dance, I felt him, he was so vulnerable but he held nothing back. He put everything out there; he had shown all of his cards. I totally folded in the game, I surrendered and laid down my chess piece.

"Oh my god!" Sara screamed. "I knew Min Jun was a good dancer, but damn girl, you got the moves for real. Juniper, you moved me. You and Min Jun work really well together." She said honestly.

"Thank you, but I think that was Min Jun's doing, I just followed his lead." I said. I was speechless. I looked over to Min Jun and he smiled at me. I returned the smile; I blushed.

"I'll say. By the way you guys were so in-tuned with each other, I can bet money that I will be seeing more of you two, together." She said slyly. She helped him; She helped him with everything, and I took the bait. "Don't worry, he's a real good guy. He gives his all, in everything he does. He fully commits." She said as she started walking away. She smiled at me and gave me the thumbs up as she turned and walked away. She went over to Min Jun and spoke with him briefly and he looked at me. Min Jun slowly started walking over to me and my heart started to pound again. My knees felt weak as if I was about to collapse.

"Here he comes, girl." Chanel said. "Girl listen, don't fight this one. Just go with the flow. Ride the rodeo girl. Don't overthink, just breathe." Chanel knew exactly what I needed to hear, I must have had that look I get when I feel I'm about to have a panic attack.

"Oh shit. Chanel?" I looked at her and she was smiling hard.

"You got this girl. Follow your heart. I know you like him otherwise you wouldn't be like this. You know I wouldn't steer you wrong girl. If I thought this was a bad idea, I would have told you to turn and run. But not this time, breathe Juni. Just go with the flow." She said. She was right. I didn't need to overthink this situation. This was what I wanted, not how I had planned for it to go, but what does ever go the way I plan? Some of the best things that happen are usually totally unplanned. Min Jun stood before me and he reached for my hands. He was not phased by the people watching us in the distance, but he saw on my face that this was not something I was used to.

"Hi." He simply said. I relaxed just by his voice.

"Hi." I responded. He leaned forward and wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead. I just melted in his arms. I didn't care who was watching, I was going with the flow and acknowledging my feelings. He stepped back and leaned down to look directly in my eyes.

"Are you okay?" He said, looking concerned. He took his towel from around his neck and wiped the sweat from my cheeks.

"Yeah, just a little out of sorts, I didn't expect..." I said looking around at everyone.

" All of this." He interrupted.

"Yes." I managed to say.

"Let's go somewhere where we can talk." He said taking my hand. He laced his fingers with mine and led me away from the dance floor. People were still in the moment and were patting us on the shoulders with 'congratulations', as we walked through the crowd. I didn't remember my feet moving, nor did I know where we were going, I just followed Min Jun.

Min Jun led me to an office located just across from the guys' locker rooms. He opened the door and I walked in. He walked in and closed the door behind him. I slowly walked over to the middle of the office and turned around. He came over to me and gave me another hug. It was really just us this time. I could still hear the noise from the studio; the cheers and the chatter of people talking. Music started playing and I could hear Sara getting ready for the final dance. He looked down at me and caressed my face.

"I was so nervous." He admitted. He was nervous? I thought. Shit, he took control of me without knowing. Our dance was so sensual, it showed everyone the feelings we had for each other.

"You were nervous!? I couldn't tell. You held it together."

"Yeah I was. I wanted to tell you, but I didn't know how. But when I saw you dance with Chanel, I had to tell you. I hadn't seen you in a few days but when I finally saw you, I had to find a way to let you know."

"Let me know?" I said

"That I like you." He stated. My heart skipped. "I know, we've not known each other long, but I know you felt something between us. I wasn't the only one out there on the floor, you were there with me."

"I felt it. I felt it all. You made my heart beat faster than it has ever beat before." I admitted. He smiled. He held my hands as he stood before me.

"I want to get to know you. I want to know everything about you." He said smiling. "Juniper, let's date. Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked. I was floored. He asked me to be his girlfriend, so openly and honestly; it was like a fucking K-drama. This was something I was not about to hesitate on. I looked at him waiting patiently for my answer. I was going to jump blindly and I was going to ride the rodeo, just like Chanel said.

"Yes. Yes, I'll be your girlfriend." I answered. His eyes widened and we smiled. He pulled me into his embrace. This man was now mine. I had never had anyone do the things he was doing to me. I had never had anyone do the things he has done for me. I had never had someone who made me feel the way I felt. This was a first and there is a first time for everything. I closed my eyes as I pulled him close, my face buried in his chest. He caressed my face and I looked up to meet his glance. Our eyes met and we need not speak a word for us to understand how we felt towards each other. He tipped my chin up as he lowered his lips to mine. His lips were soft and sweet. He held me tighter as his tongue tasted mine. I wrapped my arms around his waist pulling him closer as he held my face and kissed me deeply. I accepted the fact that I was about to submit myself to him and enjoy this ride wherever it took me. I loved the way he made me feel when I was with him and I didn't want that feeling to leave. 

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