Worst Nightmare - Part 1 & 2

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MinJun - Part 1 

Saturday finally came with unexpected results. It started out great, Juniper and I made breakfast in the morning; took a walk around the park for a while, went to a movie and had lunch before she went home to do some work. We decided to meet up later with the others for dinner.

As I was lounging around at home, Jin called frantically.

"Have you seen the latest video?" He said when I answered the phone.

"What do you mean latest video?" I asked opening my laptop and turn it on.

"It's a video of you and Juniper outside the restaurant. It shows her getting out of the car, then you and her kissing in front of the restaurant. People are fascinated and they want to know who she is." Jin said. I found a few videos online titled, 'Min Jun's Mystery Woman'; comments were asking who this mystery woman was as she had taken my heart.

"Oh my goodness." I said, looking at all of the videos that were posted of Juniper and I. The most were posted on the KPopPrincess channel. This was the same channel that broke the news about Juniper the first time at the studio.

The hairs on my next stood up as I recognized this channel. Something in my gut was telling me that Samantha had to be behind all of this, but I had no proof. I needed to talk to her but I didn't want her to drill me about Juniper or do anything stupid.

"Do you think Juniper knows?" Jin asked.

"I don't think so, not yet anyway. I think I know who is behind this but I can say for certain." I stated.

"Samantha." Jin said and chills ran through my body.

"How do you know?" I asked.

"I just have a feeling. If she isn't doing it, someone she knows is."

"I believe so too." My mind was racing so fast I couldn't comprehend. What was she up to? "I believe she is having me followed." I finally admitted.

"What? How do you know?" Jin asked.

"When Juniper and I were out shopping yesterday, I kept hearing someone taking pictures of us. I kept hearing a shutter flash. And then again in my apartment building, I could have sworn someone followed us." I answered.

"What? Oh my goodness. What are you going to do? Are you going to tell Juniper?" Jin asked. I really didn't know what to do.

"I'm not telling Juniper, unless she finds out before I find out who is behind it." I said. "I've been thinking about calling Samantha and asking her if she's been having someone follow me."

"Do you think she would actually tell you the truth?" Jin stated. He was right, even if she was behind it, would she really tell me? Probably not. I needed to find a way to get her to talk and let her guard down.

"Well whatever you do, I think you should tell Juniper before she finds out." Jin said.

"To be honest, when she found out about the other video, she handled it pretty well. She knows that I'm noticed and still have some fans here and there, maybe I could go that route until I find out if Samantha is behind it." I replied.

"Maybe, but how are you going to find out?" He asked; I didn't have a clue.

"I don't know yet, but I need to talk to Samantha." I said. I really didn't want to, but I had to call her. She had a way of finding out where I worked and now where I lived, I didn't need her to just pop up somewhere when I was out with Juniper.

"Be careful, Min Jun, I just don't trust her." Jin said. I took his advice into consideration, I needed to watch my back, but I needed to find out who was watching my back for her.

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