Somebody's Watching

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The rest of the week flew by and the weekend was finally upon me. Juniper was busy during the week so we decided to meet up on the weekend so we could have time to actually spend some quality time with each other. It was a long week and I really wanted to see Juniper, even though we had a few video chats during the week however it wasn't the same as I wanted to see her in person. I picked her up from work and we headed over to my place as I had planned to make dinner for Juniper. I wanted to show her my other skills, skills other than the ones I have in the bedroom or on the dance floor.

We decided to stop by the grocery store and pick up a few things for dinner. I know she loves Tteobokki so I wanted to make my special recipe. We picked up a few things to eat just in case we got hungry later on so we wouldn't have to come back out to pick up extra.

"Can we get some ramen as well?" She asked, holding my hand while placing her head on my shoulder.

"Of course, I just need to get a package of fish cakes as well for dinner." I said as I was looking at the selections on display. "Is there a particular flavor you want?" I asked.

"Well, I want spicy and I want to try the fire chicken flavor also." She said.

"Ok. So you like it spicy huh?" I played with her.

"Yeah, I like it hot." She bumped me with her hip. I giggled. I was really enjoying our time out together as we hadn't had the opportunity to just really relax with each other honestly. Things went a little fast earlier in the week, and we wanted to slow it down a bit and enjoy being with each other away from everyone and out of the bed.

"I know you do." I replied. She laughed and covered her mouth. I put my arm around her as she helped me push the cart around the store. We picked up a basket of strawberries and grapes. Juniper also found the ramen she wanted as we were hitting the snack aisle.

Juniper was happy like a kid on Christmas in America. I was happy to see her smile and not have a care in the world. I was able to find the rice cakes, gochujang(red pepper paste), gochugaru(red pepper flakes) and anchovy stock to make her meal as authentic as possible. I already had the remaining ingredients at home.

"Is there anything else you would like?" I asked as I picked up the remaining items.

"Well I would like some chicken as well if you don't mind." She responded. I looked at her and she smiled. I turned to her and I planted a small kiss on her lips. She smiled and stepped closer to me. I wrapped my arms around her and we held our embrace. I placed my chin on top of her head and tickled her; she squealed and pulled away. I laughed and she smiled. I pushed the cart toward the check out while she wrapped her arms around my waist from behind. She walked behind me stepping in unison with my steps. I loved her playful side. She made me blush the way she was in touch with her child inside. I was happy we decided to stay home instead of hanging out with the others.

"Juniper, do you want ice cream?" I asked. She let go of my waist and walked beside me.

"Do you want ice cream? I would like Yakgwa (Honey pastry) if possible."

"Oooo, yes. I haven't had those in a long time." I said.

"Do you have kimchi at home?" She asked.

"Of course, my mother makes sure I'm fully stocked." I answered.

"Awesome. I think that is all we need. I think we covered everything." She said.

We headed for the check out. Juniper laced her fingers with mine as we waited in line. She leaned her head on my arm as she held onto my hand. I leaned over and gave her a quick peck atop her head. She looked up and puckered her lips; I leaned down and gave her a kiss. She was so open and affectionate. I let go of the cart and wrapped my arms around her. Then I heard the strangest noise, I heard a shutter flash. Someone had taken a picture but I didn't see where they were. I didn't want to freak her out so I didn't say anything immediately. I hoped we would pay for our groceries before someone came forward. She held me and looked up and I planted small kisses all over her face. I heard the noise again but I didn't see where it was coming from. I know she would probably be nervous if she had known so I wanted to hurry to pay and get her out of the store as quickly as possible.

We finally got out of the store and stopped to pick up a variety of chicken boxes then headed for my place. We picked up enough things to eat to keep us going the entire weekend, even though we had made plans to hang out with the others tomorrow. We pulled into the parking lot and into the parking space. The parking lot had a few people coming and going as we grabbed the groceries from the car. We walked to the elevator lobby, with a few people waiting for the elevator to open. I noticed a few of my neighbors and quietly acknowledged them. We were loaded down with bags but we managed to grab everything we needed. Juniper also had her computer bag with her as well. She informed me that she had the opportunity to apply for a game development position, which I thought was great. I remembered some of the pictures she had pointed out at her place that she created. She's a good artist.

The elevator finally arrived and we piled on and stood in the back. I didn't expect for the elevator to get crowded but at the last minute a random girl jumped on just before the doors closed. She didn't push the floor so I assumed it was already chosen. She had her hoodie pulled up over her head so I couldn't see her face or hair, however I did notice she had a wide band around her neck that resembled a camera strap. I wondered if this was the person who was taking pictures at the grocery store. Was I being followed? I didn't want Juniper to know, if I was. Suddenly I got jolted with the thought of Samantha having someone follow me. If so, that meant she knew about Juniper. I didn't want to make a scene so I silently waited to see if the person would stay on the elevator until we went to our floor. I kept my eyes on the back of her head as people started piling out of the elevator on the 3rd floor. There were still a few people on the elevator and we had 3 more floors chosen, 7th floor, 10th floor and ours - the 11th floor.

Two people exited the elevator on the 7th and 2 exited on the 10th, with the girl in the hoodie being one of them. I exhaled with relief that she wasn't getting off on my floor. The elevator doors opened; we walked off and headed for my apartment.

"Wow, Min Jun, this is a really nice building." Juniper said as we walked down the hallway.

"Thanks, I lucked up and got the apartment when I landed my job, just after my service duty." I said. We reached my apartment, Juniper and I placed the bags on the floor so I could dial in the code. Juniper looked outside the windows at the views from the building. I walked over to join her in admiring the view.

"It's so beautiful." She said looking around outside.

"Yes you are." I said looking directly at her. She blushed and turned towards me. I held her face in my hands and kissed her softly. She held my jacket as she pulled me towards her. We kissed slowly and smiled. It had been a while since we had seen each other. I missed her, I was happy to have her stay with me as I was looking forward to spending time with her. As we kissed, I heard clicks again. I opened my eyes and I could have sworn I saw someone at the end of the hallway, but when I turned to look, no one was there. Juniper noticed my reaction.

"Is everything okay?" She asked, looking in the direction I was.

"Um, yeah, I thought I saw someone coming down the hallway." I lied, I didn't want to make her nervous. I hope Samantha didn't send someone to follow me, but then again, she had already known too much info on me as far as my job and the dance studio.

"Oh, I didn't see anyone. You are very distracting." She said smiling. I blushed and smiled. We picked up the bags and entered my apartment. I hope no one had followed me home. It made me want to contact Samantha and ask, but I hadn't responded to her about me helping her channel. I figured since our video was leaked, I'm sure she had seen it. I worried about what her next step would be. 

Do you know who could be following MinJun? What do you think they're after? The Money Shot?

Musical Suggestion: Tally by Blackpink

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