Revelation (Edited)

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Min Jun

As I pulled into the parking garage, my phone buzzed; I had received a text message. It was a bit late, I got excited hoping it was Juniper and not Jin again asking for more information about Juniper. As I turned off the car, I grabbed my phone. It was an unrecognized number. I stared at the phone trying to figure out who this could be. I looked at the message.

[Unknown] Hi, long time. I read. 

My mind was so confused trying to figure out who in the hell it was. It had to be the wrong number. I decided to ignore it. I walked to the elevator and my phone buzzed again. Another text message.

[Unknown] You forgot me already, Min Jun?😭 

I stared at the phone so long I almost missed the elevator. This person knew exactly who I was.

[Min Jun] Who is this? I replied. I walked onto the elevator and pushed the 11th floor button. I waited patiently for the person to respond; racking my brain trying to figure out who this was.

[Unknown] It's been a long time, I see that you have forgotten me.😭😟 

Did Juniper get another phone? I thought.

[Min Jun] I guess. I typed. 

I was tired and I didn't want to play games. I got off the elevator and walked to my door. My mind was going around in circles, trying to figure out who this was and how did they know me.

As I entered my apartment, I started with my routine. The unknown person didn't respond as quickly as I thought they would, so I went to take a shower. The shower felt good against my skin. I closed my eyes as the water graced my face; I saw Juniper's face. I could still see her face, when she stayed over my place. She was sleeping so peacefully; I wanted to lay next to her and watch her all night.

I wondered what she looked like tonight as she lay in her bed sleeping soundly. I finished my shower and picked up my phone on the way to the living room. I turned on the television and surfed a few channels before landing on the a variety show. My phone buzzed again. It was Unknown again.

[Unknown] You were never the type to play games, I see you haven't changed much.

[Min Jun] Then you should know you need to say who you are, otherwise don't contact me any further. 

I figured if this person knows me, they know exactly how I am, therefore they would need to reveal themselves otherwise I'm done.

[Unknown] Min Jun, it's Samantha. 

I was totally floored. My hands shook and my heart flipped. It was my ex-girlfriend, Samantha. That was the last person I thought would be contacting me. All types of feelings started to rush over me. Anger and love at the same time. I truly loved Samantha at one time. She's had a special place in my heart for a long time. I thought I was finally getting over her because we left not on the best of terms.

We were together when I decided to try out for a new idol group. She thought I would make it because I love to dance, but I didn't have the greatest voice. She boosted me to join along with my best friend, Max. Samantha, Max and I grew up together as we all went to school together. Samantha and I started dating while in school, we had plans to go to the same University. However, when an entertainment group came to our area, Max and I decided to go and audition for a spot in a idol group. Little did we know the things we would encounter.

The training competitions that Max and I participated in were long and time consuming. I didn't have the time to be with Samantha. She started feeling left out because at first it would be the three of us, but during the training it was Max and I. She started getting jealous, thinking I was seeing other girls, when in fact I didn't have time to see other girls. I practiced for hours upon hours, so much so I didn't have time to eat sometimes. The training was totally brutal. If I wasn't at dance practice to learn the routines, I was taking voice lessons.

Things got tense between Samantha and I to the point we wouldn't talk to each other for days. I didn't want to be distracted but trying to satisfy her was hard because I couldn't see her as easily as we thought. The more I would get closer to making the cut, the more our relationship would become strained. It wasn't until I got cut, that I had time to be with her. But it was too late. We couldn't salvage what we had because I wasn't the same person when I returned.

I was devastated that I didn't make the cut. I was withdrawn and wasn't as outgoing as I was before I auditioned. Max made the cut and I was happy for him because at least one of us made it. But it would have been nice to make it, especially if it would have allowed me to help my family financially. Things just didn't work out how I expected. Samantha didn't really understand everything that I had gone through, so she wasn't really supportive when I came back.

She thought I was being secretive and that I had met someone else, which was the reason I didn't want to hang out with her as I had before. A month or so after I was cut, Samantha broke up with me. She said I didn't love her anymore and I was so hung up on becoming famous that I didn't show my love for her anymore; along with having someone else I was holding my love for. I loved her so much, I was really messed up after she broke up with me. I thought I would never recover, but day by day eventually I made it through.

I didn't expect to have this kind of reaction to hearing from her again. I figured we might meet in a passing moment on the street, but I didn't expect her to contact me directly. I looked at the phone for a moment and wondered what she wanted. My heart started beating faster.

Did she want to get back together? Did she need my help? Does she miss me? Slowly my fingers began typing a response.

[Min Jun] Samantha, long time. I wrote.

I wasn't sure if I needed more or not. I was curious as to why she contacted me. I hit send. I saw that she had read my message. I saw her responding.

[Samantha] Yes, it has been a long time. I would like to catch up with you to see how you are doing. Will you be free tomorrow? She asked.

That was a bit sudden. I didn't know how to respond. Part of me wanted to see her tonight and part of me didn't want to see her at all. She said she wanted to see how I was doing. I wondered how she was doing too. Just the thought of seeing her face right in front of me, made me nervous. I started thinking if I would be able to control myself in front of her. We had so much history together, that history couldn't just be replaced or forgotten. The curiosity in me got the better of me and I wanted to know more, so I responded.

[Min Jun] Ok. Where do you want to meet? I asked, hoping she didn't want me to pick her up.

[Samantha] Let's meet at Casa Latina. I have a taste for Latin food. Around 1 pm, sounds good? She texted. I could do that, I thought, it's not a bad place.

[Min Jun] Ok. 1pm. See you then.

[Samantha] I can't wait to see you again. Good Night Min Jun. She responded. What is she up to?

[Min Jun] Good night.

I sent and placed my phone on the table. I felt an ill feeling that raced through my body. Did I do the right thing? What if she wanted to get back with me? What about Juniper?

I stood up and started pacing. What have I done? I thought. This can't be good. I didn't expect to be in this kind of position. I thought about what would happen if Juniper found out. She would think I am some time fuck boy or player, and I am the complete opposite. I started walking throughout my apartment.

"It's just lunch. Nothing more. I'll go and see what she wants and that will be it." I said out loud trying to convince myself.

"Juniper doesn't need to know just yet." I said. I figured there was no need to inform Juniper of something that may not be a concern. No need to worry her, she has already been through enough.

"I'll go and meet her. We catch up on the past few years like friends and then we will part ways." I said to myself to make myself believe that was the plan.

Little did I know, there was so much more to her plan.

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