Morning Again - Part 1

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Morning came as my alarm startled me awake. MinJun and I were still naked, wrapped in each other's arms underneath the covers. I reached over to my nightstand to turn off my alarm, MinJun moved and pulled me closer to him.

"Not yet, I don't want to move." He held me close to his warm body.

"I know, but we have to go to work." I said turning around to face him. He slowly opened his eyes and looked at me. His eyes were so sexy and cute. He poked his lips out wanting a kiss. I scooted over and planted a kiss upon his lips.

"Good morning Juni." He said. I smiled as he called me by my nickname. I loved hearing him call my name. Even though he speaks English very well, I love to hear his accent when he speaks. I love the way he calls me Juni.

"Good Morning MinJuni." He looked at me and smiled. I gave him a nickname which was a blend of our names.

"No, you have to find something else to call me." He said laying his head on hand as he turned to his side.

"How about Aein or Aegiya? He blushed and turned away. He sat up and pulled the covers up to his waist. I moved closer to him and laid my head on his shoulder.

"Call me either one of those, I will be happy."

"Okay Aegiya." He snickered and kissed my forehead.

"How are you feeling this morning?" He asked. I smiled as I held the covers over my chest. I didn't have to think about that answer.

"Happy." Simple as that. No need to complicate things.

"Me too." He replied. My alarm went off again, apparently I only hit the snooze button. It was a snap back to reality. We had to get ready to depart and go our separate ways. He had to go to work and so did I. Even though our night was over, I didn't want to leave just yet. He reached out and laced his fingers with mine. I looked up at him and he glanced at me. He kissed my forehead, then nose and finally my lips. I let go of his hand to touch his face as we kissed. I didn't want this to end, I was addicted. But it was inevitable, we have things we have to do. I really couldn't wait until the weekend. We finally slowed our kissing session to a halt as we actually had to start moving.

"Go shower, I will take you to work." He said.

"What about you? You have to go to your place to get clothes before you have to go to work. You won't have time to take me to work, otherwise you will be late." I said, he didn't like it because I was right. "It's okay, I can take the train to work. I'll be okay."

"I want to take you to work." He said pouting.
"You can't or you'll be late." I said, not wanting to go to work at all.

"I'll miss you." He said.

"I know, I'll miss you too." We were both addicted. Last night was amazing. We had taken our new relationship to an entirely different level, quickly. But we are both consenting adults who can make our own choices.

"Go. Go shower. I'll wait."

"You want to take a shower with me?" I offered, his eyes grew larger.

"Yes, but I can't." He said reaching for his jogging pants and searching for his shirt.

"Why?" I said putting on my nightshirt.

"Because we would never go to work." He said smiling. He had no self control as he turned around and he was making a tent in his pants.

"Damn Aegiya." He laughed and covered his smile with his hand shyly.

"See?" I went to take a shower while he waited.

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