$H#T Hits the Fan - Part 1

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I was really enjoying myself, I guess a little too much because my worst nightmare started. My phone started ringing; I looked at my phone and it was my mother. I immediately declined the call. I went back to joining in the conversation and she called again. I saw Min Jun look over to my phone as I rejected it again.

"Is everything okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, everything is good." I lied. I didn't know the reason she was calling. I didn't want to ignore the call, as it could be important, but the last time we spoke to each other, she was bringing up wanting me to speak to Caleb.

"Is that your mother calling? Are you ignoring your mother?" He asked. I saw Chanel look my way.

"Yeah, I really don't want to talk to her right now." My phone rang again.

"She's been calling me Juniper. I haven't answered the phone either. And you know your mother knows I know where you are." Chanel said. Shit, I thought, this just can't be happening right now. My phone buzzed again; she was calling again. She wasn't going to stop unless I answered the phone.

"Go take the call, she might need to tell you something." Min Jun said as he slid out the way to let me out from behind the table.

"I'll just be a minute. Can you order for me please?" I asked as I grabbed my coat and headed towards the door. He nodded and I left the restaurant. I answered the phone once I was out of earshot of everyone.

"Hello Mother." I answered.

"Juniper! You finally answered."

"Yes, Mother. Is everything okay?"

"Oh Juniper. Where are you?"

"What is going on Mom?"

"Caleb is upset. He's trying to find you." Here we go, I thought. I knew I shouldn't have answered this call.

"Mom, we are not about to start this again. I don't care if..."

"Juniper, he saw the video. Did you know you were on the internet?" She interrupted me. My heart stopped. How in the Fuck did she know about the video? How in the fuck did he know about the video?

"What?" I asked.

"He saw the video of you dancing with some guy and kissing him and Caleb is pissed off. He's looking for you Juniper." She said.

"I don't care. Why would he care? Why would YOU care?" I said, raising my voice. I couldn't believe this. This video has gone viral and now Caleb is trying to find out where I am.

"Juniper, he wants to talk to you." She said. I don't even understand why she was telling me this.

"Mom, I don't care!" I yelled. I heard the door close and looked back. Min Jun was standing outside the restaurant door. He was looking concerned. I turned around and put my hand over my eyes. I didn't want him to witness this conversation. I didn't want to disrespect my parents in front of him, given the fact that in his culture, that is not done. However, in my culture, I was grown and I could speak my mind, and sometimes I would raise my voice just so she would understand because she is utterly clueless.

"Juniper, are you okay?" He asked, walking over. I turned around and he saw that I was upset. My mother was talking and I hadn't heard a word.

"Not really." I said.

"Who is that? Who are you talking to?" My mother asks as she hears Min Jun talking to me.

"Talk in the car." He grabbed my hand and pulled me to his car. He opened the passenger door and I got in the seat. He stood outside looking at me through the window.

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