The Night Before - Part 2(Edited)

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Min Jun

While I sat next to Juniper in the bar holding her hand, I couldn't believe how beautiful she was. She was adorable. I've heard of love at first sight but it never happened to me or anyone I had known. I can't say that this was love but this was definitely a strong 'like'. I enjoyed being with her and seeing her smile.

I got up this morning with her on my mind which is why I sent her the text message. She had been on my mind all day, which made it hard for me to concentrate. I didn't expect to see her today as I figured she would be busy and we had a long night the day before. I didn't want to crowd her; I wanted to give her space but I really didn't. I wanted to be around her all the time but I didn't want to be a stalker.

I was out with the guys from work when I noticed her in the restaurant. She was enjoying herself with her friends from work. They were celebrating and I didn't want to interrupt anything therefore I sat back against the wall and just observed. She was having fun and enjoying life.

She didn't seem like the same person I had met at the coffee shop. She seemed to be a totally different person. I believe I had seen her at her worst, if not it was the worst of her that I ever wanted to see. I didn't want to see her sad at all. I saw the pain in her eyes and her body language. I didn't want to move too fast, but I definitely wanted to lay claim.

"Will you take me home?" She asked. She had her fill of drinking. She was tired yet happy. Her alcohol tank was full as she hit her limit.

"Yes, I will. Are you ready to go?" I asked.

"Yes. Let me go and talk to the others." She said. I let go of her hand and we both walked back to where our party was in full swing. She went over to her friends and I went over to Jin.

"You didn't tell me she was Black!" Jin stated abruptly. I knew he had been holding on to that bit of news and couldn't wait until the opportunity to ask questions.

"No I didn't, but does it matter?" I asked looking at him and then the both of us looked back at her.

"No, it doesn't. Not at all. She's cute." He said satisfyingly. He approved of my choice. I knew he would.

"I agree. She's ready to go home, so I will take her. Do you need me to take you home too?" I asked.

"Yes, if you don't mind." He replied.

"I wouldn't have asked if I did. I think her friends need a ride home as well." I stated. I looked over and Juni was sitting down leaning on the table. Her friend Se-Ra was laughing with Taehyung. They looked as if they were having a good time. I walked over to their table and put my hand on her hand.

"Will you be able to take her home?" Se-Ra asked. "I think she needs to go and get some rest."

"Will you need a ride home?" I asked.

"No, I don't live far from here, Sun Hee and I live within walking distance. Juniper stays farther than us." She said.

"I will take her home. I will take care of her." I responded. Se-Ra smiled in approval.

"I knew you were a good guy. Please take care of my bestie." She said and turned to Juniper. "Juni, Min Jun is going to take you home. He will take care of you." She said. She was right. I will take care of her. "Min Jun, I leave her with you in your care." She said.

"Thank you. I have her." I nudged her a bit and she sat up, eyes still closed. She was drunk and she needed me.

"Please take care of my friend." Se-Ra said again. "Juniper, it's time for you to go rest. Min Jun is here for you." Juniper opened her eyes slightly and smiled.

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