Secret's Out (Edited)

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Waking up the next morning I was ready to face the day. I had an early start so I wanted to have enough time to do my daily routine and not rush. After my shower, I was ready to hit the pavement running. I got dressed quickly in a black and tan shirt dress, a pair of black tights, a small pair of socks and my favorite pair of Doc Martens. I grabbed my tan overcoat and grabbed my phone off the charger.

As I was headed for the door, I received a text message. I grabbed my bag and out the door I went. I figured I would look at the message once I got to the bus stop. I decided that it may be a bit quicker to take the subway so I walked over to the Sinyongan subway station and caught the train. It would be a nice little ride over to my stop nearest the Sookmyung Women's University.

Fortunately my job was close to the station. As soon as I got on the train I found a seat to relax for the next few stops. I pulled out my phone and smiled, it was a message from Min Jun.

[Min Jun] Good Morning. I hope you have a good day today. Fighting! He is so nice.

[Juniper] Good Morning. Thank you. I hope you have a good day at work as well. Fighting! I responded.

I felt that I had let my guard down around Min Jun. I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not. I'm not sure if he had shown me his real self. I thought about Caleb and how he was in the beginning. He was charming, sweet and considerate. He made me laugh. We had good times together.

I caught myself smiling; it quickly turned to a frown as reality set in and my mind had flashbacks of him and Naveah fucking in the shower. I closed my eyes and had to keep it together.

I pulled out my digital sketchpad and started drawing. I needed to focus on something else other than that idiot. Last night, I realized that he left me 10 voicemails and about 20 text messages. First the messages started off sweet, saying that he was sorry and he just needed to talk. That didn't last long however, by the sixth message, his tone had changed. He started saying that I felt I was better than him because I wasn't responding. Dude, it's been three weeks already, get over it. This had nothing to do with me. This was all you.

By the time I had reached close to the last few messages, I had been called a Bitch, a gold digger, stuck up and entitled. I had been called slut and I had a gang of guys to choose from. Finally his last text message was so irate; he was blaming me for him having slept with my sister, stating I didn't spend quality time with him and I always left him alone.

It was amazing to see how he thought of me, just by me not answering his phone calls or text messages and not believing his lies.

I noticed my sketch was that of a Black woman with a large Afro. She was looking up, one tear flowing down her cheek and her Afro was filled with so many words to encourage her to keep moving. Around her were "speech bubbles" with negative sayings, trying to demean and discourage the woman. However, her hair held a lot of knowledge and wisdom; so much so it overpowered the negative and even though she was hurt, she could still hold her head high.

I smiled at the drawing and realized it resembled me but I think it would represent all women in deceiving relationships. My phone rang as I added my color scheme. I reached for my phone and it was my mother.

"Hello Mother. What do I owe the pleasure of this call?" I said nonchalantly. I had been avoiding her as well, but no matter what happens between us, she will always be my mother.

"Juniper! You answered! Oh, lawd, I was so worried." She said excitedly. She sounded as if she really missed me.

"There is no need to worry Mother I can take care of myself." I responded.

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