The Meet Cute (Edited)

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Musical Suggestion: I'm Tired by Labrinth & Zendaya


I entered the coffee shop and my phone rang and this was not who I expected to get a call from - It was Caleb calling. I stared at my phone as I slowly walked through the door and suddenly stopped.

Why the fuck? Why the fuck is this motherfucker call me?, I thought.


I do not want to deal with this right now. I just got to South Korea a few weeks ago and I was trying to get him out of my mind and here he calls.

Why is he calling?

As I walked up to the line, my phone rang yet again. I stared at my phone trying to figure out if I should answer the phone or not. Will I bring myself to his level again and fall for his shit? I can't, he was a big reason why I was in Seoul.


Today didn't start off like I figured it would go, since my meeting at work was pushed back to lunch. I decided to stop in and pick up an iced coffee and enjoy my walk to work from there. As I walked through the door it was packed as usual so I already knew the drill. While walking up to the register, a woman stops directly in front of me, causing me to bump into her. I was about to say I was sorry, but she wasn't even focused on me, she was taken back by something on her phone.

I continued on to the line, but she didn't look well at all. She looked as if she was having a hard time and she wasn't sure if she should answer the phone, but she did. The baristas were really getting people out today as they had two lines going to help with the crowd. I noticed the girl on the phone was directly across from me in the other line. She was trying to have a quiet conversation but she was getting louder the more the other person spoke.

We both got up to the registers at the same time and placed our order. As the barista told me the amount, I reached for my wallet. Then the weirdest thing happened - she reached over and paid for my drink. She tapped her card on the payment reader, snatched the receipt and stepped out of line. She was so distracted she paid for my drink and left the line. I went over and paid for hers and grabbed her receipt.

I went to look for her to give her the receipt but it seemed as though she disappeared. However I found her with her head down on the table and her phone facing down.

She sniffed. It sounded as if she had been crying. She didn't know I was there.

I wondered why she was crying.

"Excuse me, are you okay?" I asked. Juniper kept her head in her hands and sniffed again.

She looked up and her teary eyes meet mine looking back at her. I'm amazed; she is every bit of beautiful brown butter pecan that I have ever seen. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying. Her face was flushed too, but she had the most amazing brown eyes and dark, curly brown hair.

I had never dated a Black woman before, but I was always open if the opportunity came along. I loved everyone; I don't discriminate, it's just not like there are a lot of Black women in South Korea that I can come across and this was an opportunity I felt to at least make a friend if possible.


I looked up and there he was. I couldn't speak but it seemed as if he was speaking to me and I was answering. My thoughts raced as I was trying to figure out why I was having to deal with everything at that moment and here I was in a new country with this beautiful man standing before me and me looking like a dragon right now.

I didn't care, for a moment because I'm thinking, here is just another man who would probably do the same thing to a woman. All I knew was that I didn't want to feel what I was feeling at the moment. I realized that I had been looking at him for quite some time and never answered. I think I need to say something before he thinks I'm crazy.

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