What Had Happened Was.....Part 2

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Going back to work was hard for me. I didn't want the weekend to end. It was amazing. I couldn't believe Juniper was now my girlfriend. I looked at the pictures we had taken when we first went out to dinner. Everything happened so fast. It was like a dream that I didn't want to wake up from. I wasn't sure if I should let Jin know or keep it to myself. I'm sure he would eventually catch on, especially if I wasn't hanging out with him as much as I usually would. I wasn't going to just tell him about it. I figured if he didn't mention it, I wouldn't either. I came into work as normal as I could, but this time my mind was on Juniper. When I sat down at my desk, Jin turned around immediately. He looked at me as I got ready for another day at work.

"So what's the deal?" He asked. He found out, I thought. I wasn't sure, but I was going to play along until I couldn't.

"What do you mean?" I responded.

"Why haven't you been available lately? You don't hang out with me and the guys anymore."

"Well it's just us guys, I need to change it up." I replied not trying to make eye contact.

"Really? You don't even hang out with me anymore. When the day is over, we usually go get dinner but are at the elevator as soon as it's time to leave." He said.

"Well, I've been a bit busy with things." I said nonchalantly.

"Really? Do you have another job?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" His question threw me off a bit. He thinks I have another job?

"You heard me, do you have another job that you rush off to after work?" I didn't tell him about me working over at the studio.

"Can you keep a secret?" I asked. Jin came in close and leaned in.

"You know I can. What have you been up to?" He asked.

"I've been working at a dance studio, helping a friend."

"A dance studio? But I thought you gave all of that up." He asked.

"I can't give up on my dream. I just slowed it down for a while." I answered. I was being honest. After getting cut, I had to step away from it all to clear my head. I felt it was a perfect time for me to do my military service after that. It would not only take me away from all of the media, but it would give me a chance to clear my head. I had to find another approach to take my mind off things, especially Samantha. After she left me, I needed to really get away, so I signed up for my military service and left the week after. I was gone for 21 months. That gave me enough time to figure out what I wanted to do and what direction I wanted to go.

"Really? Is that why you are all over the internet?" He asked casually. I looked at him curiously.

"What are you talking about?" I asked. He looked at me with a smirk.

"You honestly don't know?" He said while reaching for his phone.

"I'm serious, I don't have a clue what you are talking about." I said sitting back in the chair.

"Take a look." He pulled up a video on his phone and gave it to me. It was me, at the dance studio. I was teaching a class and someone had posted a video of it. I looked at the owner of the channel and I didn't recognize the name. I figured it was just someone who had come to the studio and noticed I was teaching.

"Ok, so that's one video of me teaching the class, like I said. It's nothing to worry about. I still have fans who want me to make a comeback." I said, giving back his phone.

I figured since going to the studio, it would bring some attention to the place and help Alex and Sara out. No big deal; they would get more people wanting to take their classes and they would get more exposure. I didn't mind helping my friends out, that was the least I could do after what they did for me.

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