5 - Mark 2 (Iron Man)

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The scene shifts to an airbase. Rhodes stood in front of a small group of soldiers inside the hangar.

Rhodes: The future of air combat. Is it manned or unmanned?

Ruby: Ooh, it's Rhodey!

Weiss: Tony must want to bring him in on the project.

Blake: Makes sense since Rhodes is his best friend.

Rhodes: I'll tell you. In my experience, no unmanned aerial vehicle will ever trump a pilot's instinct, his insight, that ability to look into a situation beyond the obvious and discern its outcome or a pilot's judgment.

Qrow: Ya heard that, Ice Queen? Sometimes, a robot just can't replace what a living, breathing huntsman/huntress is capable of: their instinct, and intuition. Your walking tin cans just can't compare.

Winter: Our Atlesian Knights are smarter and more efficient than they ever have been before!

Qrow: Oh really? Then why can random bystanders still sneak up and pop their heads off?

Gian: *groans and facepalms* Civil War's going to be a nightmare.

Soldier: *sees Tony* Colonel?

Tony: Why not a pilot without a plane?

Rhodes: Look who fell out of the sky. *to soldiers* Mr. Tony Stark.

Soldier: Hello, sir.

Tony: *shakes soldier's hand* Speaking of manned or unmanned, you gotta get him to tell you about the time he guessed wrong at spring break. Just remember that, spring break, 1987. That lovely lady you woke up with. What was his name? *soldiers laugh* Was it Ivan?

Rhodes: *embarrassed* Don't do that. Don't do that. They'll believe it. Don't do that.

Yang: *lewdly grin* Now that's a story I want to hear.~

Blake: *lustful* Me, too.~

Tony: Ok. Pleasure meeting you.

Rhodes: Give us a couple of minutes you guys. *soldiers leave* I'm surprised.

Tony: Why?

Rhodes: I swear, I didn't expect to see you walking around so soon.

Tony: I'm doing a little better than walking.

Ruby: *bouncing in chair* Yeah! He's going to be flying soon!

Qrow: Easy, pipsqueak. I don't think were quite there yet.

Rhodes: Really?

Tony: Yeah, Rhodey. I'm working on something big. I came to talk to you. I want you to be a part of it.

Rhodes: *smiles* You're about to make a whole lot of people around here real happy, 'cause that little stunt at the press conference, that was a doozy.

Tony: *gulps* This is not for the military. I'm not... It's different.

Rhodes: *frowns* What? You're a humanitarian now or something?

Yang: Wait, why is Rhodey treating Tony like that? *eyes turn red* Like it was a bad thing to stop making weapons that kill innocents?!

Yang was furious at Rhodey for behaving this way to his own best friend, who was tortured for 3 MONTHS and saw his weapons being used to murder the people he made them for in the 1st place.

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