4 - Hometown Reunion in the Rain (The Incredible Hulk)

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The screen began by showing an aerial view of a couple of buildings encased in a sea of trees and forests with a town a small distance away.


Ren: Hey, isn't that...

Gian: Nice work noticing this Ren. Yes, this is Culver University, where the experiment took place... and where the Hulk was born.

Pyrrha: Coming back to where it all began. That's a big thing in a lot of movies.

Banner is seen looking around while pretending to read what appears to be the school's newspaper. After a while, and confirming that he wouldn't be recognized with the number of people present, he folded the paper and made his way into the campus.


The scene then changed to an overview of the building's main entrance, where it was shown to be host to a security check point, one that would only allow authorized personnel into the building proper, be they student and/or staff. As he made his way in, Banner noticed the check point and, once he saw that the only way inside was to either belong there or with permission from someone on the inside, he decided to leave before they recognized him as someone suspicious.

Winter: Seeing as he is currently wanted by just about everyone in the government, it's understandable why he would stay clear of anything that might draw attention to himself.

Blake: The same holds true here.

Ruby: I'd hate to imagine having to sneak around and stay out of sight for the rest of my life.

He was then seen outside, making his way out of the campus, 'till he saw something that caught his attention. After a moment of self-debate, he then proceeded to check it out.

Said something was then revealed to be a building, probably part of the campus. He hid behind a tree for a moment to steel himself, and after a while he went in. A nearby directory revealed that the building in question was actually the university's Biological Science department, and as Banner approached the sign, he focused on an name in particular: DR. ELIZABETH ROSS.

Upon seeing this, many in the audience developed looks of shock, especially when it came to the name they had grown quite familiar with.

Jaune: Ross? As in General Ross, Ross!?

Ozpin: So the man had family here, that's interesting.

Glynda: But now, all that's left it to figure out what their relationship is.

After waiting for a while, he finally saw her, shoulder-length brown hair and a white-frilled dress, leaving the building and chatting with her friends with a cup of coffee in her hands like the incident from a couple of years ago didn't happen.

Weiss: She's the girl from the beginning who was injured in the experiment that created the Hulk!

Penny: And she was in the hospital when Ross and Bruce were arguing.

Qrow: She has to be his daughter or something. The way he was so mad at Bruce, that can only be a father's overprotective nature. You do anything to hurt their baby, they'll make your life hell.

The fear and guilt of possibly hurting his nieces with his semblance was a big reason he stayed away, but the black eye he got from Tai after one of Ruby's baby chairs snapped when he was visiting was another strong incentive to keep his distance.

He followed her to a bench in the campus park, where she just sat there like she was waiting for someone. He remained a fair distance away, contemplating on whether or not he should approach her and how. After a while, she looked up and smiled like she was greeting an old friend, believing that he had been found he tried to leave, only to later notice that the smile wasn't for him, but rather for a man who approached her. A few moments later the 2 kissed, revealing him to be her current boyfriend. As the 2 of them left, Bruce just stood there watching as they walked hand in hand, leaving him with a pained expression, knowing that she had moved on from both the accident and from him. After a few more seconds, he turned around and left as well.

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