Oh, Captain... My Captain

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Everyone once again took a short break to stand up, stretch their legs, walk around, use the facilities, get a snack or anything else they needed. And once again, they broke off into various groups to talk amongst themselves.

Yang: So, all that was pretty crazy, right?

Weiss: Of course! Loki overthrew the man who was basically the ruler of the universe!

Blake: It may be for the best. Odin was doing a pretty questionable job of ruling, even before Frigga died. After that, he just lost it. Loki's a lot of things, but at least he's sane.

Nora: *excited* I'm just glad Uncle Loki is still alive and that Dad beat Malekith and that he can see Jane whenever he wants now! Oh yeah- and that the universe didn't end.

Jaune: *incredulous* That's the LAST item on the list you're happy about!?

Pyrrha: At least she mentioned it.

Cinder: I'm just glad someone finally ended Malekith. I saw way too much of Salem in that man.

Neo: I'm just glad we don't have to see him on screen anymore. Guy was kind of an eye sore.

Ruby: But now we get to see Cap again! This is gonna be awesome! I can't wait to see that awesome shield again!

Coco: I just hope they have a better suit for him this time.

Velvet: Yeah, the one from The Avengers was better, but still looked a bit goofy.

Ren: I wonder if he's gotten any better at fighting since last time. We clearly saw that just boxing wasn't enough when he went up against Loki.

Emerald: I mean, Loki's a god, so I feel like that's an exception. He did pretty good against the Chitauri." Emerald pointed out.

Neo: Yeah, but he was still using mostly brute force, then. And that isn't always gonna be enough. It wasn't for Yang when I kicked her butt on the train. *squeezes Yang's ass*

Yang: *jumps in surprise* AAIIEE! *rubs her butt* Hey! I was just tired! You got lucky! It definitely wouldn't happen again!

Having overheard this last comment, Gian looked up in thought.

Gian: (Hmm...I guess Yang was blindsided when Neo got her there. She even knocked Yang out in Volume 8.)

Shaking his head of the haunting memory, the host stood up and clapped his hands.

Gian: Alright, guys! Time to start up the movie!

Penny: I am quite eager to see how Captain Rogers has adjusted to modern times, now that he seems more keen to enjoy this new world.

Ironwood: Exactly. He's saved the world and allowed it to become what it is, he should be able to enjoy it.

Ozpin: *sagely* Indeed. I know better than anyone how hard it is to adjust as the world continuously changes, but what is the the point in living in this world if you aren't able to experience it.

Glynda: Wise words, sir. I'm more curious to see if any other Avengers will appear in this movie. Black Widow and Hawkeye could certainly use more screen time.

Gian: Well, you're half right about that.

Qrow: And which half would that be?

Gian: Well, like I said before, you'll have to wait and see.




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