3 - Killian's Return (Iron Man 3)

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Ruby: Poor Tony. I don't ever wanna have panic attacks like that.

Blake: It comes with the territory of doing dangerous things and risking your life.

Qrow: What's important is that you have people there to help you through these kinds of things. That you can talk and get them off your chest. And that you don't let them eat away at you. Unfortunately, that's exactly what Tony's doing.

Pyrrha: *worried* Hopefully, he stops and talks to someone soon, then.

Weiss: I think this is going to be a more emotional journey for Tony than anything else. But by the end, I think Tony will get past this.

Gian: Well then, why don't we just watch and see?

At Stark Industries, Happy Hogan pointed to his badge as walked through the lobby, passing the other employees and pointing out the badge on his chest they should all be wearing as well.

Happy: Badge. Badge. Come on, badge. Badge, guys. I put a memo in the toilet, come on.

Jaune: Hey, it's Happy!

Cinder: *scoffs* Right. A memo in the toilet. *sarcastic* Because of course, the first thing I think of when I go to the bathroom is to look for a memo.

Ren: Still, I wonder what Happy's doing here instead of with Tony?

Gian: For now, let's just say he is no longer Tony's bodyguard.

Later, Happy was seen with Pepper as they rounded the corner into the main lobby of the building.

Happy: Tony has got them in his basement, they're wearing party hats. This is an asset that we can put to use.

Potts: Uh-huh. So, you're suggesting that I replace the entire janitorial staff with robots?

Happy: What I'm saying is that the human element of Human Resources is our biggest point of vulnerability. We should start phasing it out immediately.

Potts: *incredulous* What!?

Qrow: *nudges Ironwood* Hey Jimmy, looks like Happy has your line of thinking.

Ironwood: *rolls eyes* My aim is to minimize harm to living soldiers and Huntsmen by creating machines that are expendable. I'm certainly not trying to replace janitors with robots with minimal movement.

Velvet: Although, if there's one job I think people wouldn't mind having robots do for them, its custodial work.

Happy: Excuse me, Bambi. *points at his badge*

Potts: Did you just say that?

Happy: Security.

Potts: Happy?

Happy: Yes.

Potts: Okay, I am thrilled that you're now the Head of Security, okay? It is the perfect position for you.

Winter: Impressive. I knew he was serious about his job, but I never thought he was competent or responsible enough for such a position. Especially considering the plant incident.

Penny: Still, it is nice to see Happy get a more fitting position. It seems rather foolish being the bodyguard of a superhero.

Neo: Hey, he did a pretty good job when Whiplash first showed up and he hit him with a car repeatedly.

Happy: *grateful* Thank you.

Potts: However...

Happy: I do appreciate it.

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