Get Ready to Feel the Thunder

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The group took their time, letting the knowledge Gian had dropped on them sink in and resonate with them, then talk about how they felt.

With the students...

Ruby: So, we can at least agree not to be mad at each other over anything that happened because it hasn't happened yet, right?

Students: Right.

Jaune: But we also shouldn't have kept that secret from General Ironwood. Keeping secrets was Professor Ozpin's biggest mistake and what almost made us give up.

Ruby: Yeah. From now on, no more secrets.

Students: No more secrets.

Meanwhile, the adults were discussing stuff.

Ironwood: So, you and Salem were once married?

Winter: And tried to rule humanity?

Ozpin: It was one of my darkest times, of which I deeply regret.

Glynda: Well, you've done so much in all your lives to make up for it and you fight so hard to keep Salem from gaining any power. You had a lapse in judgement. We're all prone to those. But you overcame it.

Ozpin: ... *nods* Thank you. All of you.

Ironwood: At least you didn't abandon Remnant and all your people.

Winter: Sir, you had no time to prepare. You were in a bad situation. There truly was no way to win.

Glynda: She's right, James. I wouldn't condone yoir actions, but you at least tried to do what you thought was best for as many people as you could save.

Ozpin: But now we have a chance to do things differently. To grow from the mistakes we almost created and better prepare for the future.

Gian: Alright, everybody! Break time's over!

Everyone soon came back to the theatre room and shared their thoughts, all agreeing they'd be completely honest and do whatever they could to prevent the tragedies they were informed of from happening in their timeline.

Then, Qrow reemerged from the room he was in earlier, now wearing a  black t-shirt with blue flames on it, with a terrifying, shirtless, hooded figure with crooked, mangled teeth in an evil grin in the center.

Qrow: I heard every word you guys said, by the way. And I agree with all of you. Totally honesty and we learn from these movies and do what we can to make our world better.

Yang: How was it, Uncle Qrow?

Qrow: I'm down with the sickness.

Ruby: *horrified* You got sick?! It's not bad, is it?! You're not dying like Tony was?!

Qrow: *laughs* No, kiddo. It's the title of one of the songs I heard.

Gian: Alright! Well, with all that out of the way, its time to start the next movie!

???: Ah, ah, ah! Not yet! I've got a few things to say first!

The figure suddenly appeared out of the darkness, revealing to be an elf looking guy in his early 20s,  he's around 5'11 Tall and has 2 different eye colors: right is red, while left is blue, while having a demonic retina. He wears a crimson red coat w/ a floof hood on it, it also reaches close to his calves, while his shirt is that of a fancy type of fabric with a snow white like color, his pants is colored dark pastel blue and has sharp hard leather boots and his accessories is only that of a black tinted glass. He also has a strange black crack like tattoo of sorts, whist his hair is a pastel purple color.

 He also has a strange black crack like tattoo of sorts, whist his hair is a pastel purple color

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