8 - Tony Gets His Groove Back (Iron Man 3)

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Tony was driving down the road late at night while on a call with Harley.

Tony: Harley, tell me what's happening. Give me a full report.

The boy was in his garage with the armor, eating a bowl of candy.

Harley: Yeah, I'm still eating that candy. Do you want me to keep eating it?

Glynda: *annoyed* Why is he having the boy eat so much candy? That is not healthy!

Ozpin: If I had to guess, he's having him stay awake to monitor the armor's progress or provide other assistance where he can.

Pyrrha: There are much better ways to stay awake than that. And much healthier ones.

Tony: How much have you had?

Harley: 2 or 3 bowls.

Winter: That's ENTIRELY too much!

Ruby: What's wrong with that? I eat that many cookies all the time.

Weiss: And I tell you how unhealthy that is, ALL THE TIME!

Blake: Also, you burn off all that sugar and calories easily, probably not something Harley can easily do.

Tony: Can you still see straight?

Harley: Sort of.

Tony: That means you're fine. Give me JARVIS.

Ironwood: That is NOT fine.

Yang: And that's why you shouldn't be eating that much sugar, Rubes. *to Neo* You too, short stuff.

She then snatches the parfait Neo had just summoned, which would've been the second one of the movie.

Cinder: When we get back, both of you are going on a diet.

Ruby & Neo: You're evil!

Tony: JARVIS, how are we?

JARVIS: It's totally fine, sir. I seem to do quite well for a stretch and then at the end of the sentence I say the wrong cranberry.

Several students giggled at this.

Penny: I have a similar problem if I run too low on power, I also mispronounce words and act as though I were intoxicated.

Neo: *smirks* And nothing bad happens if your battery drains too much?

Penny: No, I will simply need to be recharged and my speech patterns will be temporarily dysfunctional.

Coco: *quiet* We've got to drain that battery sometime. *smirks*

Velvet: *quiet* Coco! *elbows Coco*

JARVIS: And, sir, you were right. Once I factored in available AIM downlink facilities I was able to pinpoint the Mandarin's broadcast signal.

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