5 - The Rescue and the Red Skull (Captain America: The First Avenger)

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(START AT 1:54)

As the prisoners slaved away, preparing HYDRA's WMD, Schmidt and Zola walked thru the lab.

Zola: As you can see, production of the Valkyrie is progressing on schedule, even with components of this size.

Ironwood: So, they're using their prisoners as slave workers to further their own gains. It's despicable, but admittedly, effective. It leaves their own soldiers and workers free to go about other, more important tasks.

Winter: Unfortunately, our father has done the same thing. He's had Faunus protesting the SDC detained by his security forces and made to work illegally in the mines.

Weiss: *angered* Allegedly.

That was the same simple one-word excuse her father gave and everyone dismissed that argument. She wasn't sure now if it hurt her or made her more furious that she could compare her father to this megalomaniac.

Johann: Increase the output by 60% and see to it our other facilities do the same.

Zola: But these prisoners, I'm not sure they have the strength.

Johann: Then use up what strength they have left, doctor. There are always more workers.

Ozpin: *shocked* He's pushing their prisoners to their limit. He'll work them to death.

Blake: THAT BASTARD! You already captured them and probablu tortured them! *sheds tears* Just leave them alone in their cells!

Qrow: *glares at Johann* The guy's a madman, kid. Maybe as bad as Salem. He's destroyed an innocent village and executed his fellow soldiers. We shouldn't be surprised of anything anymore.

Schmidt walked away from Zola, who was then approached by someone holding a clipboard.

Zola: Not now!

Some HYDRA soldiers where then seen leading a group of prisoners into their holding cells. One of the prisoners, a red-bearded man with a top hat, Dum Dum Dugan, was shoved by a HYDRA soldier behind him to his cell. He then knocked his top hat off his head as he got in.

Dugan: *puts hat back* You know, Fritz, one of these days, I'm gonna have a stick of my own.

The HYDRA soldier, apparently named Fritz, just shuts the cell door.

Cinder: *nods* Brave man.

Neo: *smirks* Something tells me he's gonna get that stick pretty soon.

Yang: And I can't wait.

Rogers was then shown sneaking thru a forest, until he came up to the entrance of the HYDRA base. He heard a vehicle thru and ducked down. It was a HYDRA convoy heading towards their base. Steve followed the last vehicle and jumped in, where 2 HYDRA soldiers were sitting back. They then stared at Steve as he entered the vehicle.

Steve: Fellas.

Jaune: *chuckles* If only we could do that to the Grimm.

Nora: Oh, yeah! And then we just grab their heads and knock them into each other! *Hi-5s Jaune*

The 2 soldiers lunged at Steve as the scene cuts to the outside of the truck, the skirmish taking place being heard, rather than shown. The 2 soldiers then flew out the back, out cold. The convoy pulled in and all backed up to a building. One HYDRA soldier peeled open the cover of one of the trucks, where he saw Steve's shield. He was then knocked in the face with it, sent back a few feet, unconscious.

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