1 - An Adventure Out of This World (Guardians of the Galaxy)

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A young boy was seen, sitting in the waiting room of a hospital, listening to the "Awesome Mix" tape on his Walkman.

Qrow: Is that a JogGuy? Haven't seen one of those in ages.

Summer: Oh, yeah. *giggles* I always remember Tai walking around with one of those when we were in Beacon.

Yang: Wait, that thing can do stuff? We just use it as a paperweight.

The 2 members of Team STRQ deflated at this.

Qrow: *realizes* Oh, gods. We're old.

Then, the boy's grandfather came over to him and squatted down to eye level.

Grandpa: Peter, your mama wants to speak with you.

The boy, Peter Quill, seemed too absorbed in his music to hear or notice his grandfather.

Grandpa: *removes headphones off Peter* Come on, Pete. Take these fool things off. *turns off Walkman*

He then took Peter to see his mother, who was lying sick in bed.

Many looked sad or sympathetic at the woman in the bed.

Ruby: W-What's wrong with her?

Gian: She's in the final stages of cancer. She could go any minute. *wipes a tear away*

Jack: Specifically brain cancer. *pats Gian's back*

Pyrrha: *covers mouth in horror* Oh, no...

Neo looked over to Roman, who had one of his cigars in his mouth. She quickly snatched the cigar, threw it to the ground and stomped it to nothing.

The mother, Meredith, noticed Peter's eye was bruised.

Meredith: Why have you been fighting with the other boys again, baby? *Peter shrugs* Peter?

Quill: *sad* They killed a little frog that ain't done nothin'. Smushed it with a stick.

Penny: *concerned* That is highly disturbing behavior for children his age.

Winter: *shudders* You'd think they were characters in Steven Lord's 'That.'

Adam: All of his antagonists or bully characters are so one-note. Or they're meant to be just average bullies, but then they suddenly jump right to murder out of nowhere. That's the only complaint I have about his movies.

Winter: Try reading the book.

Meredith: You're so like your daddy. You even look like him. And he was an angel. Composed of pure light.

Jaune: Composed of pure light? Then was he ACTUALLY an angel? We know Thor and his people are gods, so-

Gian: No. He wasn't. The furthest thing from it. *heats up in anger*

Jack: Easy, man. Easy. *Gian calms down* Trust us, Jaune, he's nowhere near a
fucking angel. Not even a biblically accurate one.

Grandpa: Mer? You got a present there for Peter, don't you?

Meredith: Of course.

She then touched the small wrapped present and card. Her father took them and put them in Peter's backpack.

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