7 - Gulmira (Iron Man)

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The scene shifts to a TV hanging on the wall in Tony's garage, showing footage of a female reporter with a trail of people traversing thru the desert behind her.

Reporter: The 15-mile hike to the outskirts of Gulmira can only be described as a descent into hell, into a modern-day Heart of Darkness. Simple farmers and herders from peaceful villages have been driven from their homes, displaced from their lands by warlords, emboldened by a new-found power.

As the reporter narrated, Tony was seen sitting on a couch fiddling with a screwdriver on his right suit glove, listening to the news with an angry face.

Qrow: A power his back-stabbing buddy gave them.

Weiss: He looks furious. Just like Father after the White Fang raided one of his dust shipments.

Winter: The weapons he intended to be used against these people are now being used by them to terrorize the innocent. His anger is pretty much understandable.

Reporter: Villagers have been forced to take shelter in whatever crude dwellings they can find in the ruins of other villages, or here in the remnants of an old Soviet smelting plant.

The footage on the TV then shows insurgents running, carrying guns, and shooting at an unseen enemy.

Reporter: Recent violence has been attributed to a group of foreign fighters referred to by the locals as the "ten rings."

As the reporter continued, the camera then zooms in on a man, revealed to be Raza, casually smoking as he watched the carnage unfold.

Yang: *growls* I hate that man so much!

Ruby: Don't worry, sis. I know Tony will stop him!

Reporter: As you can see, these men are heavily armed and on a mission. A mission that could prove fatal to anyone who stands in their way. With no political will or international pressure, there's little hope for these refugees.

The scene in the news then shifts toward a teary-eyed woman holding a picture of her husband.

Reporter: Around me, a woman begging for news on her husband, who was kidnapped by insurgents, either forced to join their militia...

Blake: They're even worse than the White Fang. At least they never forced anyone to serve.

Winter: They are a small group. If they want to become a powerful force that is enough to take control of their nation, they need all the members they can get.

Tony then stood before a dangling light and raised his gloved arm, the blaster whirring and preparing for use. Suddenly, it went off, with Tony getting forced back awkwardly from the powerful recoil, sparks exploding everywhere.

Reporter: Desperate refugees clutch yellow photographs, holding them up to anyone who will stop. A child's simple question, 'Where are my mother and father?' There's very little hope for these refugees who can only wonder who, if anyone, can help.

Tony then looked up, catching sight of his reflection in the glass. Without warning, Tony raised his blaster and shot one of the windows containing his reflection, twisting around to avoid the shattering glass, shot the next one, and the next.

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