Rolling Thunder

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Everyone decided to took another short break, stretching their legs, using the facilities as needed and talking about their favorite parts of the last movie.

Ruby: Tony was so cool when he was sneaking into the mansion without his armor!" Ruby declared.

Weiss: Indeed. We believed he couldn't do anything without the suit, but that movie proved us wrong multiple times.

Cinder: I still wish all the villains didn't just have a better version of my Semblance, but it was pretty good And very satisfying to see them get blown to

Ironwood: Tony's resourcefulness without his suit was quite commendable as well I never would have thought about making even half the weapons he made, nor using those materials.

Ozpin: Absolutely. I'm even thinking of implementing it as a new class, being able to make new weapons on the fly.

Glynda: And, of course, it certainly showed the need for unarmed combat training and stealth training for you students. *students groan*

Pyrrha: I'm also glad Tony was finally able to have the shrapnel and arc reactor removed from his body. It was about time he had them taken out so his health wouldn't suffer anymore.

Velvet: And I'm happy he and Pepper have gotten as far as they have in their relationship. Hopefully now
they can go even further.

Coco: Oh, my, Velvet. Such naughty thinking from my adorable bun-bun.

Neo: *mischievous* Yeah, his armor won't be the kind of protection he needs in that case. *giggles*

Velvet began glowing red from embarrassment.

Velvet: *blushing* N-N-Not that way, Coco! I meant getting engaged and married, perfectly innocent stuff!

Winter: Still, it's a tragedy Tony had to sacrifice all of his suits in order to win Pepper over once again.

Ruby: *sniffles* All those wonderful suits... gone before their time.

Weiss: Ruby, you DO realize he likely has the blueprints for his old suits and can easily recreate them, right? *Ruby perks back up*

Penny: Indeed. And for Tony to have make 42 suits by the time of lron Man 3, he's surely found a way to quickly create his suits, if not even mass-produce them.

Ruby: You're right! 1 really hope he makes them all again! And makes a lot of awesome new ones.

Qrow: As long as the boss gives him the okay because it's pretty clear Pepper has him whipped.

This caused Ruby to pout, but got laughs out of almost everyone else except Winter, the rest of the Ozluminati and Cinder.

Gian: Alright, everyone! Time for the next movie!

They all returned to the viewing area, eager to see what's next.

Jaune: So, Gian, remind us what's up next again?

Gian: That would be 'Thor: The Dark World.'

Nora: Oh, yeah! Another movie about my dad! This is gonna be awesome!

Ruby: Thor is definitely one of the more exciting heroes. No offense to the others, but Thor has literal godly powers and awesome magic.

Yang: Definitely! This is probably gonna be as epic as Avengers!

Gian: *laughs* Sorry to say, but no, it's not. This is pretty high up there on people's picks of the worst movies in the MCU, only a little bit above Iron Man 3. In fact, a few of my friends even told me it's their absolute least favorite. It gets a little slow at times and some characters.
Well, let's just say they take a nosedive in how likeable they are/were.

Ren: We'll have to wait and see for ourselves. There's nothing wrong with slow scenes in a movie Sometimes people need a moment to catch their breaths after intense actions scenes, or in order to piece together the plot of the villains.

Gian: Well, it really doesn't take long to figure out the villain's plot, so unless your lungs are made of lead, you should have no problem catching your breath in between the action scenes and then
you'll just be bored waiting for more to happen.

Ozpin: Still, it's best for us to come into this unbiased and with our own opinions and expectations.

Glynda: Agreed. We shouldnt be discouraged fromwatching the movie do to some scenes simply being a little slow. We're ready to begin whenever you are, Mr. Gian.

Gian: Very well then. Sit down, get yourselves some snacks and snuggle up to your partner, if you have one, and get ready for some divine imagery in Thor: The Dark World.


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