Finale - The Journey Comes to an End (Thor: The Dark World)

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(START AT 2:46)

Seconds later, Malekith and Thor both found themselves teleported back to Earth once again. Still, while the former was back at the Naval College where he started, the latter found himself rolling across the platform of the Charing Cross subway station.

The god regained his bearings, looking towards an arriving train and its passengers.

The students couldn't help but chuckle at this. 

Coco: Looks like Thor's about to meet his greatest enemy ever: public transit. 

Ozpin: Come now, Ms. Adel. The subway station isn't THAT bad. 

Qrow: It's pretty bad, Oz. You're cramped with a bunch of strangers who either have no sense of personal space or think they own the place and make life harder for everyone. Then there are the real freaks who are willing to EAT in that disgusting place.

He was almost tempted to drink again as he thought of the last time he was on a subway, where a woman fell asleep eating a hot dog dropped said hot dog on the floor, woke up, picked it up, and STILL ate it.


Penny: I'm just wondering what caused the 2 of them to wind up in 2 different places. They were together when the temporal shift happened, so they should have ended up in the same place.

Weiss: I think we can all agree the anomalies in this movie and how they work make NO sense.

Thor: How do I get to Greenwich?

The group of 5 couldn't help but stare at the Avenger who had just materialized in front of them, one taking a few pictures while the blonde woman in the center spoke up.

Woman: Take this train. 3 stops.

Ruby: *worried* That's gonna take WAY too long! Malekith is where he needs to be NOW! You have to go! Fly there!

Cinder: He needs Mjolnir to fly, Ruby. And he doesn't have it. And, unfortunately, Thor doesn't seem to run much faster than normal people. The train is his best bet.

Ironwood: *clenches fists* We can only hope the process of the Convergence, or
Malekith's attempt to destroy the universe still takes a large amount of time.

Jaune: Hey, shouldn't SHIELD and the other Avengers have been notified of this big invasion going on for at least 20 minutes by now? Why hasn't Iron Man flown in to help out?

Emerald: Maybe this Convergence thing is making communications not work. Not to mention, Tony's on the other side of the world from this. Even if his suit breaks the sound barrier, it's still gonna take an hour or 2 for him to clear that much distance.

With a nod of thanks, Thor ducked his head and climbed onboard, grabbing one of the yellow hand bars above his head.

As the train started and the people swayed slightly in the motion, the same woman fell, not so subtly into the god, a firm hand planted on his chest as she caught her balance

Woman: Sorry. Sorry.

Yang: *smirks* She sure didn't SEEM sorry. 😏

Nora: Hey! Back off, lady! Dad's already got a girlfriend!

Velvet: It was an honest mistake, Nora. She didn't mean anything by it. It's not like she was flirting.

Neo: Keep telling yourself that.

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