4 - Buyer Beware (Guardians of the Galaxy)

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The Milano was shown traveling further into the head.

Gamora: Hundreds of years ago, the Tivan Group sent workers in to mine the organic matter within the skull The bone, brain tissue, spinal fluid. Al are resources, highly valued in black markets across the galaxy.

Ruby: Eww! Who would want some dead giant icky guts?!

Neo: *disgusted* Ugh!!! Thank goodness I wasn't eating my ice cream when I heard that!

Cinder: *green* I think I'm gonna be sick...

The crew landed and were now walking through the streets of the giant head. 

Gamora: It's dangerous and illegal work, suitable only for outlaws.

Roman: Hey, look, Neo! We found our home with our people!

Neo: *shocked, horrified* You WANT to mine a freaking skull, Dum-Dum?!

Roman: *awkward* W-Well... I-I mean...It looks like they cleaned it out well enough...

Emerald: *shakes head* My respect for you just keeps on dwindling, Roman.

Roman: Ha! Well, that's fine by me..! Since I never had any for you.

He then receives a light bop on the head from Neo's umbrella. 

Quill: Well, I come from a planet of outlaws. Billy the Kid, Bonnie and Clyde, and John Stamos.

Everyone looked to the hosts for an answer. 

Gian: *sighs* Billy the Kid was an outlaw in the old west, Bonnie and Clyde were a pair of lovers who went on a life of crime and John Stamos...Uh... *looks at Jack*

Jack: *sighs* Actor on a show called 'Full House' and was basically like Qrow. A bad boy with a golden heart. Though, I wonder if Peter learned about Billy the Kid from school or if Yondu was able to find some movies from Earth for him to watch.

Drax: It sounds like a place which I would like to visit.

Quill: Yeah, you should.

A group of kids walked up to them.

Kid:  Excuse me.

Quill: Watch your wallets.

Girl: Can you spare any units?

Rocket: Get out of here.

Meanwhile, Groot grew a flower on his hand, and gave it to the girl.

Nora: Aww! Groot's such a sweetie!

Sienna: *smiles* Yup, he's a gentle giant.

Velvet: Yeah. He deserves better than Rocket always calling him an idiot. *pouts*

Ozpin: Groot is likely keeping Rocket grounded so that he does not go off the deep end. Experimentation, like what likely happened to Rocket, can lead to one losing one's grip on reality.

The headmaster then looked at his shaking right hand before slowly closing it and shaking his head to clear his mind of one of his past lives where he had revealed what he was.

They walked toward a bar. 

Rocket: Your buyer's in there?

Gamora: We are to wait here for his representative.

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