3 - Banished (Thor)

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Neo had another parfait appear on her lap. But before she could dig in, Yang snatched it away.

Neo: Hey! *pouts*

Yang: Nope. That's WAY too much sweet stuff in like half an hour.

Cinder: *relieved* That's what I keep telling her all the time!

Neo: I'll eat whatever I want! *pouts*

Yang: Fine, but if you don't start eating your fruits and veggies, *rubs her own body* you'll never grow up and have a rocking body like mine.

Hearing this made Neo's eyes widen. Suddenly, a bunch of carrots and apples suddenly appeared at her lap, and she began chomping them down determinantly, while Velvet discretely swipes some carrots for herself.

Glynda: *surprised* Oh... Well done, Ms. Xiao Long.

Yang: It's what I tell Ruby to get her to eat right when she eats too many cookies.

Ruby: Hey! *pouts*

(START AT 0:04)

The scene then switches back to the moment Thor was hit by Jane's van.

Darcy: *comes out of van* I think it was legally your fault.

Ruby: Who cares whose fault it is! Just help him!

Yang: Well, whose fault it is determines who goes to jail, sis.

Sure, Yang can be a reckless driver, but she's always careful whenever people were around. Hard to be a huntress when you're in jail for vehicular assault.

Neo: Darcy was the one driving, but Jane's mess up with the wheel caused the van to go out of control.

Jane: Get the first-aid kit. *to Thor* Do me a favor and don't be dead.

Thor then opened his eyes and drew in a breath, turning over on his back.

Darcy: Whoa, does he need CPR because I totally know CPR.

Jaune: But the van hit his chest! What if he has broken ribs?!

Penny was about to give an answer, however...

Pyrrha: Actually, Jaune, you're suppose to give someone CPR when they have no pulse. So, if you stop doing CPR all because they have a broken rib, you're practically guaranteeing the victim will be dead. You can't do more harm than that. So, yes. You can and must do CPR on the victim, even if the said victim has broken ribs.

Penny: Well explained, Pyrrha...

(Meanwhile, in Penny's mind...)


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