Finale - There's Always Hope (Thor)

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Jane and the others hurried up to Thor as he landed on the ground. She then observed him in all his restored godly glory.

Jane: So is this how you normally look?

Thor: More or less.

Jane: It's a good look.

Coco: Yeah, it is~

Nora: Hey! No oogling my dad!

Thor: *to Sif and W3* We must go to the Bifrost site. I would have words with my brother.

Coulson: *arrives alongside agents* Excuse me! Donald? I don't think you've been completely honest with me.

Thor: Know this, son of Coul. You and I, we fight for the same cause, the protection of this world. From this day forward, you can count me as your ally if you return the items you have taken from Jane.

Jaune: Son of Coul?

Gian: Remember, your last name is basically your relationship to your father, like how Thor is Odin's son, so he's Thor Odinson. That's how Thor thinks names still work, so Coulson is the son of Coul.

Pyrrha: *giggles* It's still a bit silly hearing him say it like that.

Weiss: *shudders* Ugh. I would never allow my surname to be called Jaquesdottir. *Winter nods*

Jane: Stolen.

Coulson: Borrowed. Of course you can have your equipment back. You're gonna need it to continue your research.

Coco: YES! Jane gets her stuff back!

Penny: I would like to see that research myself.

Thor: *to Jane* Would you like to see the bridge we spoke of?

Jane: Uh, sure. *gets pulled by Thor* Ooh!

Coulson: Wait, I need to debrief you!

But his words fell to deaf ears, as Thor flies away to the sky, with Jane on his arms.

Qrow: *smirks* Whoa, Coulson! At least buy him dinner first!

Yang: *laughs* Good one, Uncle Qrow!

Ironwood: I hate it when you twist proper military terms in something ignorant and vulgar!

Winter: *glares at Qrow* Indeed. Such lowbrow humor should be outlawed.

Qrow: Hey, freedom of expression, Ice Queen. It's what the Great War was fought for.

Ruby: ...I don't get it.

Cinder: You will when you're older.

The scene then switches back to Asgard, where Loki was seen bringing Laufey and a handful of frost giants to the realm eternal.

Loki: Welcome to Asgard.

Laufey cracked a sinister smile as he walks with his men past a frozen Heimdall, but was unable to notice the ice around him starting to crack.

Blake: *in awe* He trying to break out of the ice.

Weiss: You can do it, Heimdall! Prove your resolve to your kingdom!

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