6 - Betrayal (Iron Man)

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The scene now shows Tony approachinh his desk holding an ice pack on his head. He picked up his mug off of the package Pepper was holding earlier. Curious, Tony checked the package out, and sees a note attached to it which reads "from Pepper." He opens the package up, revealing a glass casing with his old arc reactor inside with the words "PROOF TONY STARK HAS A HEART" etched into the outer ring, causing Tony to smile in response.

" He opens the package up, revealing a glass casing with his old arc reactor inside with the words "PROOF TONY STARK HAS A HEART" etched into the outer ring, causing Tony to smile in response

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Ruby: *cooed* Aww! That's so sweet!

Blake: That's a beautiful sentiment. My best romance novels don't have anything that heartfelt

Gian: Probably because they spend all their time doing the dirty, right?~

Blake: *blushing* P-please, don't say that.

The scene then shifts to Afghanistan, in the same cave system Tony was held captive in. It showed the terrorists trying to piece together the remains of the Mark 1 suit with little to no knowledge on how it functions.

 It showed the terrorists trying to piece together the remains of the Mark 1 suit with little to no knowledge on how it functions

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Their leader, Raza, stared menacingly at the old and rusted metal, with his eyes narrowed on the mask.

Their leader, Raza, stared menacingly at the old and rusted metal, with his eyes narrowed on the mask

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Winter: Ugh, idiots! Those parts clearly do not go there!

Weiss: To be fair, sister, it is a good thing that they cannot figure out how the suit works. Otherwise, they would have Tony's most powerful weapon once again.

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