4 - The First Move (The Avengers)

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Ruby: *bouncing excitedly* Okay! The team has been assembled! Now let's see them meet up and kick some Loki butt!

Ironwood: Assuming they get along and don't get the wrong ideas about each other.

Jaune: What do you mean?

Qrow: Well, Steve is pretty tight-laced and serious, where as Tony is relax and almost never takes anything serious. And you kids have seen that doesn't usually mesh well together.

While explaining, he moved his finger back and forth between himself and Winter, who scoffed and rolled her eyes at this.

Glynda: Not to mention, Tony used to be a weapon's designer, so Steve could come to the conclusion he's nothing but a war monger or someone who profits off other's suffering like that scandalous reporter from the Iron Man movies. Not to mention, he may not be too trusting of Banner, since he attempted to remake Erskine's formula.

Cinder: So, a clash of egos? *sarcastic* Lovely, I was JUST starting to miss Salem's council meetings.

One of the things she was happiest about over leaving Salem's side was not having to deal with Hazel's silent judgement, along with Watt's arrogance and sass, as well as Tyrian's snark and insanity.

Yang: I just hope we see some more awesome action. Maybe actual fights this time, though, instead of just one-sided beatdowns.

Emerald: I'd like to see more awesome gadgets.

Penny: Indeed, their technology is incredible. I'm sure even half of these ideas will make father happier than I've ever seen him!

Pyrrha: Only one way to find out, I suppose.

The Quinjet was approaching a massive battleship, imposing and carried an assortment of fighter planes along with two runways. Dozens of deckhands moved across it, working on the planes or moving cargo.

The Quinjet landed, the hatch opened and Coulson and Steve walked out the back. Waiting for them was Natasha.

Coulson: Agent Romanoff, Capt. Rogers.

Steve: Ma'am?

Nat: Hi. *to Coulson* They need you on the bridge. They're starting the face-trace.

Winter: A face-trace? That could be quite useful for extra security. And very few people would be able to get around it.

Emerald: Pretty much just me or Neo.

Neo then turned into Winter for a second, before turning back into herself to prove Emerald's point.

Ozpin: No matter what new methods we can come up with, there will always be a way to circumvent them. All we can do is stay vigilant and trust in the security we've already put in place.

Gian: At least 5 students have been able to dupe you with false transcripts and four of them would've brought down Beacon if I hadn't stepped it. You need to step your EVERYTHING up.

Jack: Remember dude, these guys aren't like you or I. We have the one thing they don't, common sense.

Coulson: See you there.

Coulson then walked off while Natasha and Steve moved across the deck.

Nat: It was quite the buzz around here, finding you in the ice. I thought Coulson was gonna swoon. Did he ask you to sign his Captain America trading cards yet?

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