6 - Wins & Losses (Captain America: The First Avenger)

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Nora: So, Steve got back all the guys they lost from the last battle. Now what?

Penny: We know he got a small glimpse of a map with different HYDRA locations on it. Perhaps he'll attempt to go after those locations?

Neo: On his own, again? I would say that's suicide, but considering what he just pulled off, it wouldn't surprise me.

Yang: I doubt that Bucky would let him go off on his own again. I wouldn't let Ruby go off and do anything crazy like that without me around to cover her butt when she eventually gets in trouble. *ruffles Ruby's hair*

Ruby: Yang! *pouts* Still, it would be cool to Steve get a team.

Qrow: After what he did, it shouldn't be hard to get volunteers now.

The scene switches to a London city street, the view moving down to a stand-up sign that read, "Captain America to receive Medal of Valor." The viewcontinued going down, to an underground facility. A huge table sat in the middle of the room, with a large recreation of the map Steve saw in the room he found Bucky in.

Steve: *marks place* The 5th one was here in Poland, right near the Baltic. And the 6th one was... *marks another* about here. 30, 40 miles west of the Maginot Line. *map gets taken* I just got a quick look.

Peggy: Well, nobody's perfect.

Ironwood: *shocked* He remembered all of that off a single glance at a map?!

Gian: The serum didn't just enhance his physical capabilities, but his mental ones as well.

Winter: Impressive. Then he has just effectively turned the tide of the whole war by giving the locations of HYDRA's other facilities.

Ozpin: He may have made it easier, Ms. Schnee, but with the weapons in HYDRA's possession, the war is still far from won.

Steve: These are the weapon factories we know about. Sgt. Barnes said that HYDRA shipped all the parts to another facility that isn't on this map.

Pyrrha: *shocked* Amazing. Even after all the intense torture he endured, Bucky still managed to pick up enough information to assist Steve and the rest of his forces.

Penny: Indeed. I'm not certain. Even I would have been able to recover as much information as they did if I were in either of their places.

Weiss: But now all they know is that there's another base out there. That information's useless without knowing exactly where the base is.

Penny: But now they know that there is another base that they must be looking for. If they were unaware of this, then they would simply believe all those weapons were lost with the base, instead of knowing that they're still out there and still a threat. Or vital equipment that can be captured for their side.

Phillips: Agent Carter, coordinate with MI6. I want every allied eyeball loking for that main HYDRA base.

Peggy: What about us?

Phillips: We are gonna set fire under Johann Schmidt's ass. What do you say, Rogers? It's your map, you think you can wipe HYDRA off of it?

Nora: Aww, yeah! It's bad guy butt-kicking time! *looks at Neo & Cinder* Oh. No offense.

Neo: Honestly, I'm not even sure where we sit on that scale anymore.

Cinder: Either way, I'm perfectly glad seeing HYDRA crumble.

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