A Little Break

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RWBY was enjoying their break from the Movies, hoping that their friends were enjoying the movie that they'd just seen in their place. Ruby was currently playing that "Deity of Conflict" game gifted by Yang.

Ruby: These games really are awesome! Thanks, Yang.

Yang: *smiles* I'm glad that you're enjoying it, sis. So, what do you guys think the others are thinking about the movie?

Weiss: *rolls eyes* No doubt Nora and Jaune will like all the explosions.

Blake: And I'm guessing the general can't keep his eyes off all the weapons in the movie.

Blake was somewhat concerned about what the war-minded general may do with the ideas for some of those weapons. Sure, they're at peace now, but new weapons and new power can bolster a kingdom's confidence. Not to mention the fact that Atlas isn't exactly known for being the kindest of all four of them, especially with just how much Mantle is suffering just below them.

Ruby: *giggles* I think Penny will love seeing DUM-E and all the other robots.

Weiss: Why's that? Besides DUM-E, they don't really have that big of an impact.

Ruby: *sweating* Uh… no reason! I just think she'll think that they're cute!

Blake: But now that you mentioned them, I think that Velvet would like the robots as well.

Yang: I bet Pyrrha And Ren will like how he changes his ways and tries to get rid of his weapons. *smirks* Coco will probably like how much of a wild party animal Tony was at the beginning.

Weiss: *scoffs* I hope that we never see THAT version of Tony again. If I had to guess for Glynda, I'd say that she would've probably liked Tony's road to redemption along with how he tries to weed out his company's insider trading.

Ruby: And Ozpin once said that he made more mistakes than any man, woman or child on Remnant, so I think that he'd like Tony trying to fix his Mistakes and destroy the weapons that he made that have gotten into the wrong hands.

Yang: Oh, man. I bet the general's gonna HATE seeing all those weapons getting destroyed!

As if on cue, the girls heard an explosion from the movie, followed shortly by a shout of rage.

Ironwood: *muffled* Those weapons could've still been put to good use! Reacquire them from your enemy! Don't outright destroy them!

That sudden outburst alone caused the girls to hold in their laughter.

(Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Glynda glaring down at a kneeling Chibi Ironwood, while holding the crop)

About an hour later, Gian opened the door.

Gian: Okay, girls. The movie's finished. Ready for the next one?

RWBY: Yeah!

They quickly made their way back to the main area. The giant ottoman that filled the U the couch made was gone now, it was replaced with small individual foot rests for each person, three bean bag chairs taking up the rest of the space, which Coco, Velvet and Gian himself sat in. Team JNPR was on the left-hand side of the couch, Ironwood and Penny on the right and Ozpin and Glynda taking the center. However, they soon scooted to the right, sitting beside Ironwood and Penny and RWBY returned, taking back the middle. Qrow and Winter then returned, the former drunk placing himself in the right-hand corner of the blocky U, between Yang and Glynda while Winter took Penny's spot in between Ironwood and Ozpin as the gynoid walked up.

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