7 - The Plot Thickens (Iron Man 3)

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Tony was driving in his car. He picked up the documents he'd gotten from Mrs. Davis but found nothing new or useful, so he tossed them onto the seat beside him and sighed.

Tony: Man. Happy, Happy, Happy-

However, as he looked back, he thought he saw something, grabbed a particular piece of paper, and turned it over, revealing that there was a logo for AIM on it in the corner.

Yang: AIM? Aren't they the company Killian made with his think tank?

Glynda: Right, AIM organized the program that allowed Killian to test Extremis on these ex-soldiers.

Ironwood: Then that also likely means they have solid footholds in the government, or at least the military, to be allowed to create such programs.

Winter: But still, apparently not solid enough, since they needed Stark Industries to earn more government support.

Meanwhile, in Pakistan, Rhodey, suited in his Iron Patriot armor, kicked down a door and marched forward, his weapons all at the ready and aimed at the terrorists.

Rhodes: Don't move!

However, before he could proceed any further, his phone rang.

Rhodes: Uh... Hang on a second. *answers call* Hello?

Tony: You ever have a chick straddling you and you look up and suddenly she's glowing from the inside out, kind of a bright orange?

Rhodes: Yeah, I've had that. Who is this?

Cinder: Who else would open up with a conversation like that?!

Ruby: And how does he not know his best friend's voice?! *hugs Weiss* I'd know my BFF's voice anywhere.

Weiss: *blushing* Probably because I'm constantly straining my precious voice scolding you, you dolt!

Penny: *concerned* I am more concerned by the fact Rhodey has encountered this before.

Velvet: I think he was joking, Penny.

Tony: It's me, pal. Now, last time I went missing, if I remember correctly, you came looking for me. What are you doing?

Rhodes: A little knock-and-talk, making friends in Pakistan. What are you doing?

Tony: Your redesign, your big rebrand, that was AIM, right?

Rhodes: Yeah.

Coco: Of course the bad guys would come up with turning the awesome armor into that tacky trash.

Ozpin: They likely wanted to make a change that was meaningful, but wouldn't become too dangerous for the Mandarin and his agents.

Nora: But if the Rhodey military is working with AIM, since AIM is working for Killian, who works with the Mandarin, could they be purposefully throwing Rhodey off so he doesn't find the Mandarin?

Ren: That was... very insightful, Nora. Well done. *Nora beams sweetly*

Tony: I'm gonna find a heavy-duty comm sat right now, I need your login.

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