Finale - The War Ends (The Avengers)

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(START AT 1:24)

Back on STARK Tower, Dr. Selvig was regaining consciousness, lifting himself up off the ground a gash on his head and his nose bleeding. The bright blue light in his eyes fading as the mind controlling energies of the Scepter disappeared. He looked up in shock, seeing chariots flying across the sky, knowing he was the cause of all this.

Nora: *sad* Poor Erik. All this chaos. He's gonna blame himself for it.

Ren: *hopeful* But maybe there's something he can do to stop the portal. He designed the machine, he should know how to stop it.

Down on the streets, the military was arriving, jeeps with mounted machine guns drove through the rubble littered streets and through alleyways, Marines ferrying people down into subways and out of harm's way as they fought back against the alien invaders.

Steve was on the ground, holding back a Chitauri rifle as its wielder attempted to impale him through the face. He knocked it aside and then threw the soldier into the side of a car, standing up slowly and hearing Hawkeye over the radio.

Clint: Captain, the bank on 42nd past MADISON, they cornered a lot of civilians there.

Steve: I'm on it.

Jaune: Go, Cap!

Pyrrha: Please... Don't let anyone be hurt.

On the main floor of the bank, there were dozens of people huddled together in the middle of the room, while above them were Chitauri soldiers aiming their weapons. They had been herded inside to be exterminated, woman and children could be seen as the people looked up in terror at the monsters.

One of the soldiers drew a rectangular device from its belt and activated it. It clicked open and started emitting a blue light. Leaping in through the window was Captain America, who rolled to his feet and threw his shield towards the Chitauri with the device, striking it in the head and knocking it down. The other two turned and raised their rifles, firing. Steve leapt for cover, behind a overturned wooden desk. He kicked it towards the shooters, knocking one over the edge and another pinned to the railing, both their weapons lost.

Ruby: Thank goodness.

Blake: He could not have timed that any better.

Ozpin: And he did a masterful job of using the environment to his advantage by pinning them with the table.

Steve leapt forward and over the desk, punching one and then snapping its neck before tossing it over the railing, the people looking up in shock.

Steve: Everyone! Clear out!

The 2nd soldier rushed forward, grabbing Steve in a chokehold and tearing at his face, removing his mask. Steve jabbed him in the kidney as the downed Chitauri stood back up with his rifle in hand. Steve flipped back and over his attacker, using him as a shield to take the hits from the first soldier, who quickly looked down at the device, whose beeping had slowly grown louder and faster. He scrambled for it with his hands.

Everyone was on the edge of their seat when the Chitauri grabbed Steve in a chokehold, but cheered when he freed himself and defeated his attacker.

Velvet: Way to go, Cap!

Winter: And impressive reversal. And the way he shielded himself from the explosion with the relatively small surface area of his shield was very incredible.

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