3 - The Clean Up and The Full Story (The Incredible Hulk)

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Night had started coming down unto Rio, the streetlights were on as attention was being drawn onto one house. As Ross and his secretary were inspecting Banner's home, Blonsky made his presence known by placing Banner's backpack down, drawing their attention.

Emil: I knew something was different before I got the shot off. He had it on him when he bolted.

The secretary took out and started up the laptop, she also took out the newspaper article. Quickly piquing Blonsky's attention, he took it and inspected it.

Emil: Is that a girlfriend? *shows pic to Ross*  She helps him, maybe?

Ross took and inspected the picture, giving it an inquisitive look, before folding it up and casting it aside.

Ross: She is no longer a factor. We closed that door to him a long time ago. He's alone.

Weiss: That was a strange look.

Ruby: Oh, no! Please don't tell me they killed that girl?!

Jaune: Wait, that's the girl from the beginning who was put in the hospital. She's connected to Banner AND Ross somehow.

Ross: *to Secretary* He wants to be alone. But see if he's been talking to anybody.

He then continued to look around and inspect the place, Blonsky never taking his eyes off the man even after he finished talking. His face showing that he knew that there was more to this than the general let on. Just as the general was inspecting the rope, Blonsky decided that he wanted/needed answers and got his attention.

Emil: Forgive me, sir? Doesn't anybody want to talk about what went down in there? Cause... He didn't lose us. And he was not alone, sir. We had him.

Ross was now giving him his utmost attention.

Emil: And then something hit us, something... Something BIG hit us!

The general said nothing, only giving the distraught soldier a sidelong glance.

Ironwood: *growls* He knows everything and he's refusing to tell him. He's a disgrace to his rank.

Qrow: Easy, Jim. I don't like him either, but you're going to blow a gasket or something with how mad he's getting you.

Sure, Qrow and Ironwood bumped heads and rarely saw eye to eye, but they knew they were on the same side.

Blake: And no one can make him stop? Like a higher up general or something?

Emil: It threw a forklift truck like it was a softball!

Blonsky was now showing just how much the experience got to him. All the while Ross remained silent, he just stood there listening to Blonsky's ranting.

Emil: *calms down* It was the most powerful thing I've ever seen. 

After staying there doing nothing, while looking down, Ross finally broke his silence.

Ross: Well it's gone.

Blonsky looked like he wasn't satisfied with the answer, or that he even liked it.

Emil: Well, if Banner knows what it is, I'm gonna track him down, I'm gonna put my foot on his throat and I'm gonna...

Ross: That was Banner.

Weiss: Well, if there were any doubts before, they're gone now.

Yang: Yeah. *smirks* So, what was that about putting your foot on his throat?

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