7 - The Final Assault (Captain America: The First Avenger)

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(START AT 1:27)

Peggy was shown walking into a destroyed remains of a building and found Steve sitting in the bar, alone. He turned around and saw her, but didn't greet her. Instead, he sniffled as if he'd been crying and poured himself a drink.

Steve: Dr. Erskine said that... the serum wouldn't just affect my muscles, it would affect my cells. Create a protective system of regeneration and healing. Which means, um... I can't get drunk. Did you know that?

Qrow: *sad* You poor, poor man.

Winter: Indeed. While I never go full on drunk like you, I have on occasion raised a drink to a fallen soldier or Huntsman.

Ironwood: *sympathetic* The important thing is to honor the memory of those who fell, but yes, it's quite a shame the alcohol can't dull the pain for him.

Peggy: *sets up chair* Your metabolism burns 4x faster than the average person. *sits down* He thought it could be one of the side effects... It wasn't your fault.

Steve: Did you read the reports?

Peggy: Yes.

Steve: Then you know that's not true.

Ruby: It wasn't your fault, Steve. It was all Schmidt and Zola! If it weren't for them, none of this would've happened!

Jaune: But, then there also wouldn't have been any need for Super Soldiers and Steve wouldn't have been made to what he is now.

Ren: No, they were already making that threat to deal with the previous threat of Hitler and the Nazis. Schmidt was just reprioritized as the bigger threat. And clearly, for a good reason.

Weiss: Still, Bucky did everything he could to help Steve. He was the greatest partner he could've asked for. And I hope to be that good partner, someday.

Penny: Ruby has told me many stories of your adventures together, Weiss. From what she's said, uou already are that kind of partner. *Weiss & Ruby blush*

Peggy: You did everything you could. Did you believe in your friend? *Steve looks at her* Then stop blaming yourself. Allow Barnes the dignity of his choice. He damn well must have thought you were worth it.

Ozpin: That is also true. Remember that, students. Even if the worst happens and you lose someone close to you in a mission gone wrong, you may mourn and miss them, but don't ever doubt their actions. Instead, simply honor their memory and the choice they made for the greater good. It's as Ms. Schnee said, he gave his life doing his best to save Steve's. If he had to die in battle, I'm certain that's the path he would've chosen.

Pyrrha nodded at this, feeling the same way. After all, according to Gian, that's how she would've met her end at Cinder's hands, trying to stop her in order to save all of her friends. She thought for a moment and then everyone suddenly had a small mug of root beer.

Pyrrha: *raises* To Bucky.

Everyone: *raises drink* To Bucky. *takes large swig*

Steve: ...I'm going after Schmidt. I'm not gonna stop 'til all of HYDRA is dead or captured.

Peggy: Hou won't be alone.

Blake: *excited, but quiet* Yes! Back together!

Unfortunately, she wasn't quiet enough.

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