5 - Campus Assault (The Incredible Hulk)

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(START AT 2:48)

The screen opened up to Betty's car making it's way into her garage. Once inside, and once sure that the garage door was closed, Banner revealed himself to also being in the car.

She was then seen from the outside, looking around before she closed the curtains. The scene then turned to her handing him a small, ornate box.

Betty: It's our data. I got in there before they carted it all away.

Bruce opened the box and took out what appeared to be a small flash-drive in a neck trap. He looked like a miracle had just happened right in front of his eyes.

Betty: I hoped somewhere that it might tell us something someday.

Yang: *excited* Way to go, Betty!

Blake: *happy* She really came through. He really has a chance now!

Winter: While I can't condone hiding military information like this, it's far better off in Bruce's hands than in Ross'.

Banner then looked like he had just thought of something he had to know.

Bruce: Does the General know that you have this?

Betty: No, I don't think so. I haven't spoken to him in a couple of years.

Bruce: You have to be sure.

Ozpin: I understand his paranoia, but he's asking too much of her.

Penny: *sad* It is a shame she has to be so secretive with her own father, but I can understand, after all his actions have done to put a wedge between them.

Weiss: With a father who abuses his power and authority like that, I'm amazed she hasn't completely cut ties with him.

Betty: *confused* Bruce, I don't understand why we can't just go in there together and talk to him.

Banner then went on to explain why that was a bad idea.

Bruce: He told me what he wanted to do. He wants it out of me. He wants to dissect it so that he can replicate it.

As he explained, her face grew with both shock and horror.

Bruce: He wants to make it a weapon.

Ironwood: He wants to weaponize that creature!? Is he insane?!

Qrow: *horrified* There's no way. Bruce is a genius and he can barely control that thing. If they had any more than one, they'd be leveling whole kingdoms!

Glynda: *angry* How could they possibly permit him to weaponize something that dangerous?! This is a project that should be shut down immediately and indefinitely. The only thing I see coming from this is danger to the civilian population and unprecedented loss of life.


The scene then changed to an antique looking e-lock being deactivated via both access card and passcode input, which then changed to the inside of a vault of sorts, with the General in-question looking inside through a narrow window.

Upon seeing his face, many in the audience gave him a mighty death-glare, though none were as pronounced as those given by both Gian and Britney. With Gian barely able to maintain his human form and Britney's eyes turning an eerie glowing purple, with a fanged mask forming over her mouth and a feral like, almost animalistic growl coming from her throat.

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