4 - Retrieving Mjolnir (Thor)

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Jane, Erik, and Darcy were walking along the sidewalk when a truck beeped at them and stopped in front of them and stopped in front of them, with something in the back.

Jane: *realizes* Hey, that's my stuff.

The trio then turned over to their HQ to find a few men moving around Jane's supplies.

Velvet: Hey, that's Jane's stuff!

Pyrrha: *shocked* Are those... SHIELD agents?

Jane: What the hell is going on here?

Coulson: Ms. Foster, I'm Agent Coulson with SHIELD.

Jaune: *shocked and angry* Why is SHIELD taking Jane's stuff?!

Ozpin: *sadly* I think I know why.

Jane: Is that supposed to mean something to me? You can't do this!

She then ran over to the van while Erik followed her.

Selvig: *whispers* Jane, this is a lot more serious than you realize. Let it go.

Jane: Let it go? This is my life.

Coulson: We're investigating a security threat. We need to appropriate your records and all your atmospheric data.

Yang: Why? Can't they get the information themselves? I mean, they should have better equipment than her!

Glynda: They're likely trying to cover up her findings so the public can't get wind of it. If she found out who or what Thor really is, they'd realize there are other worlds out there, potentially ones capable of wiping out Earth. And it would cause a panic.

Ironwood: Yes. Sadly, we've had to do the very same thing before with certain groups coming too close to finding out about Salem, or they created some kind of new technology that Remnant simply wasn't ready for or was too dangerous in the wrong hands, like Dr. Merlot's work.

Cinder: Of course, because you all just can't stop hoarding your power over others, can you?

Ruby: *nervous* You really don't like Atlas or the people in power, do you?

Cinder: *scoffs* That's putting mildly.

Jane: By 'appropriate', you mean steal?

She then ran over to a van and tried to grab her stuff out, but an agent held her back.

Coulson: *hands Jane a check* Here, this should more than compensate you for yoir trouble.

Jane: *crumples check* I can't just buy replacements at Radio Shack. I made most of this equipment myself.

Coulson: Then I'm sure you can do it again.

Coco: I'm really starting to not like this guy right now.

Nora: I hope Uncle Loki stabs him! *Gian winces*

Ren: Nora! Too far!

Nora: I didn't say fatally! I meant like in the leg or something.

Penny: Why would Loki stab Mr. Coulson? He doesn't have any connection with the agent.

Jane: And I'm sure I can sue you for violating my constitutional rights!

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