Part 27

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"We are arriving" I hear a voice calling us from the front of the jet, making me open my eyes a little and try to sneak. 

Arriving in Wakanda had to be probably one of the nicest feelings ever, it was all so in sync, the lights, the sounds, the landscape, everything made sense. I leaned into Shuri to get a good view from the window, feeling her arm lodging around my shoulders. 

"I can't get enough of this" I sighed feeling the sun in my eyes. 

It was only a few minutes later that I felt the jet landing, got up, and carefully hopped off, trying not to fall into my face, since it would be a tragedy to add that to the mess it already was. Shuri stood behind me, her hand supporting my arm making sure I would not hurt myself trying to hide a smile on her lips. 

"Shuri" I hear Okoye's voice in our direction. She was standing in the same position, her spear archer well pinned to the ground. 

"Okoye" Shuri mumbled back as she didn't even try to hide how unsatisfied she was and kept walking towards the enormous gate in front of me. 

"Is everything okay?" Okoye asked following her.

"I hear there's a new American in Wakanda..." Shuri said harshly as I noticed Okeyes eyes filling up with concern. 

"She's a college major, doing some research, just like Y/N" She tried to speak.

"And you thought I didn't need to know that we let a stranger walk into our home?" This time Shuri turned around to face her, her eyebrows squeezing together and her words coming out in a low tone, making me feel nervous just to hear them.

"You were out, and.."

"And nothing!" Shuri interrupted her raising her voice "I decide who comes in or out, I'm the one who's encharged of our country" she stopped taking a deep breath and looked down before facing her again "You should have told me".

"Yes" Okoye mumbled with her eyes on the floor.

"Leave" Shuri order her as she simply obeyed.

I watched as Shuri put down her backpack on a table, running her hand through her hair and slowly walked over toward her.

"That was harsh" I whispered looking at her.

"We do not let strangers in like this" She said still not facing me.

"Yeah but... I did" my words sounded a little apprehensive.

"It's different" she sighed before turning around and facing me "I studied you, saw your grades, the personality test you made when you got into college...your background" she said as I felt a little weird hearing it "I have no idea who this girl is".

"Ignoring the part where you stalked me..." I smirked "I think you'll just gonna have to meet her....Shit...maybe you will like her" I said grabbing her hand.

"I don't even know what she's doing here. What kind of research she's up to" I felt her voice cooling down "what if she's an idiot?" a chuckle came out of her lips.

"Well...we'll just gonna have to bear with it" I smiled before she leaned in, kissing me as softly as she could, my hands framing her face and pulling her a little bit closer to me. 

"Shu.." A voice interrupted us as I jumped a little with nerves and stepped back.

"Aneka" Shuri smiled not showing any type who embarrassment "Hey" she greeted her as Aneka walked over.

"Y/N " she smiled at me as I tried my best to hide my cheeks "How was the trip?"

"Really cool" Shuri said with a smile on her face.

"I can see that" Aneka said "You seemed a little more relaxed. But I also hear you are not too happy about the new American..." she raised an eyebrow.

"I think I should just go meet her" she took a deep breath "Come" she mumbled towards me starting to walk as I followed her.

My heart was racing for two reasons this time. Someone had seen us kissing, and Shuri didn't even flinch making me feel a little safer about...this... But meeting the new American could go really well or really bad, there was no in-between, to be honest. Shuri was like a ticking bomb ready to burst at any time soon and I knew it, but I couldn't turn my back, not to her. 

We walked over to the room where the council would gather, as Aneka opened the door, showing us a girl in the middle, looking through the window. 

"Hello," Shuri said with a straight face as the girl turned around.

I looked at her carefully. She was a little bit taller than me, maybe the same height as Shuri, her hair a little lighter than mine, and had a gorgeous smile on her face. She was wearing some sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt with a pair of white Nikes on her feet.

"Hey" she smiled walking over to us "I'm Jan" she said stopping.

"Hi, I'm Y/N" I said holding out my hand to her and making her shake it feeling Shuri's eyes on our hands.

"I'm so excited to be here" she said "Thank you for allowing me to be here"

"I didn't" Shuri said pressing her lips as I noticed Jan's eyes frowning a little.

"What's your major?" I asked trying to lighten the mood.

"ahm...I'm in the medical field" she carefully said as her eyes slowly made their way back to me "I'm doing research in the medical approach here"

"Oh really?" I said enthusiastically "That's so cool".

"How long are you gonna stay?" Shuri asked coldly.

"Hm..I don't know...they told me it would be about a month..." I felt her voice trembling a little in confusion looking at Shuri.

"You're gonna love it in here" I smiled at her.

Shuri didn't took her eyes off her, she had a serious expression on her face, I knew she hadn't liked her, but I also could tell Jan was behind scared of her and me being the softy I had always been, felt I should be the one to make her feel calmer.

"I can show you around...If you want" I smiled quickly glancing at Shuri who had now a repulsive expression on her face.

"Sure...I would love to" Jan said.

"Let's go then" I smiled letting her pass ahead of me, before turning back to Shuri who had her lips pressed together showing her eagerness. "Be nice" I smirked turning my back and running a little to catch Jan.

This was going to be way too hard.

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