Chapter 4 - Will

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Will opened the door with the bag of food to find they were in fucking bed again. What the hell? Ander got out of bed and put a pillow where he'd been again.

"She wake up?" Will asked in a rough voice.


Fuck, he'd wanted to be here when she was awake. He pulled the containers out of the bag and sat them on the table.

"She say anything?"

"Yes," Ander answered, and opened a container to check the contents.

Will stared at Ander and waited for him to continue. He clenched his hand and then stretched it so he wouldn't snap at him.

"Did you get the soup?"

"Yeah, it's in the bag," Will told him.

Ander checked the bag as Will crossed his arms.

"What did she say?" Will snapped.

"She expressed the need to use the bathroom." he paused. "She was confused," Ander finished with measured words.

Will gritted his teeth. He knew Ander wasn't telling him the whole truth. "Stop fucking around. What did she say?"

Ander put the food down on the table. His skin shifted a shade lighter. Not a good sign.

"Her mind is fragmented, I think she is-" he stopped.

"Out with it," Will barked at him.

"She claims to have seen him," Ander said in a whisper.

Him? She couldn't have meant him. There was no way. But then Ander had destroyed those shades. Fuck.

"She couldn't have seen him. He's gone," Will declared.

"I understand. I told her the same, but Will - she described him exactly as he was." Ander's voice was on the edge of panic. Had to get this under control.

"Did you see him?" Will asked carefully.


"Are you sure?" He asked him and leaned closer to his cousin.

"I did not see him and I would have because I had recently casted," Ander told him, his voice calmer.

"Exactly, she's just... loopy right now. She probably remembers from that soul touch nonsense - right? I mean, according to you, it's only been a couple of weeks since then, right?"

Ander nodded. He had to keep Ander calm, couldn't have him freaking the fuck out right now. Will picked up the container with his lunch and stopped.

"I thought you did not believe our souls had touched?"

Will shrugged and took out his burger, taking a huge bite to avoid answering him. They ate in silence. Will monitored Ander, worried that the binding and ward weren't holding. If they failed, Ander was fucked.

It was on him. He'd fucked up the spell, Ander just reacted. He wouldn't let Ander cast again. Will thought about how he'd explain it to Mason; she was gonna go postal for his fuck up. He didn't care about that, just needed her to figure out how to fix it - fix Ander. 

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