Chapter 12 - Will

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Will opened the motel room door, excited to see Maeve and that she would be with them today. For a second he paused, struck by his thoughts. Those weren't the thoughts of a Soldier of Night. Maeve smiled at him and it chased away any issues he may have had about his excitement. She was dressed and ready to go. God damn, the way those jeans hugged her ass, it took all of his self-control not to pull her against him and grab it.

"You ready to go?" he asked as he gave her his charming smile.

"As long as I'm cleared by the doctor," she responded with levity.

Ander said nothing, but pulled out his medical bag to check on her again. She was fine, tired, but she was really okay. It'd been a full seven days and no weird relapses or funky brain things. He'd felt like a bastard after the other night, worried he'd gone too far. Maybe it was just all the weird shit in his head that went too far.

Maeve sat patiently and waited for Ander to examine her while Will checked his guns. He smiled. She'd slept in his bed while they were gone yesterday. Last night it was so much easier to fall asleep with her scent all over everything, and tonight she was his. He had to shift the way he sat when he felt himself getting hard.

He couldn't fuck her yet, and he wanted to. Will rubbed the back of his head. God, he wanted to. Needed Ander to be gone, just for a few hours. Okay, not for a few hours. He needed a full night with her. His teeth tingled. But could he trust himself with her? She triggered something inside him, something feral he had kept locked down.

"You will stay with us at all times, and you will listen to direction."

Will turned his attention to Ander. His voice was unnaturally firm, at least with her. He never used that tone with her. She touched his face.

"I will, I understand," she said, her tone soothing.

Ander's shoulders relaxed. Will pinched his eyebrows together. People wouldn't get how she and Ander acted, shit he didn't totally get it. But Ander did stuff he couldn't, and it made her feel better. All that talking women liked to do about their feelings and whatnot. They also liked some of the same boring things, so he didn't have to do that stuff, either. Will had no problems touching Maeve, but sometimes he didn't get that touchy feely shit he was supposed to do that she liked, and Ander did that, too. He'd never seen the point in it before, but then he hadn't thought about having a girlfriend. Fuck. Girlfriend?

"You will need to also maintain your hydration levels. It is warm today," he began.

She laughed and leaned over to wrap her arms around him. "I'll be fine. How could I not be with you reminding me of all the things I need to do?"

Ander held her and sighed. To think only weeks ago Ander would have struck someone for touching him like that, or rather, trying to touch him. Ander grimaced and the motion caused Will to chuckle.

"Andy, I think she might be saying you're uptight." He holstered his weapons and stood.

Maeve let go of Ander and grabbed her purse. Ander checked his weapons and she sauntered to Will. Those dark eyes made the heat in his body spike.

"Where are we going for lunch?"

Without thinking, he grabbed her and pulled her into a kiss. Her arms circled his neck. The door closed, signaling Ander had left. He brought his lips to her ear.

"I want you for lunch." He grabbed her ass. "And dinner..." He bit her earlobe.

Take her, the voice barked in his head.

"Will... we should," Maeve breathed.

"You want me to stop?" he growled in her ear.

"No, but," she said between breaths.

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